Hiker missing in Yosemite National Park, officials say. They seek help from witnesses

A man visiting Yosemite National Park has gone missing, officials said Tuesday.

Hayden T. Klemenok was in the park and entered Chilnualna Creek near the trail junction about 2 p.m. Sunday while hiking with friends and his whereabouts were not known Tuesday, park officials said on Facebook.

Officials said they are looking for information from anyone who may have seen him or have been hiking off-trail in the area of Upper Chilnualna Falls on or since Sunday.

“Simply knowing where you went and when you were there may help us focus the search, whether you saw anyone or not,” officials said.

Klemenok was wearing a tan brimmed hat, white sunglasses, red T-shirt, blue swimming trunks and white Adidas shoes, according to the news release.

Anyone with information can email YOSE_Desk_Officer@nps.gov or call Yosemite National Park Dispatch at 209-379-1992.

Officials said Hayden T. Klemenok was last seen Sunday in Yosemite National Park and had since gone missing, according to a release on Tuesday, July 4, 2023.
Officials said Hayden T. Klemenok was last seen Sunday in Yosemite National Park and had since gone missing, according to a release on Tuesday, July 4, 2023.
Officials said Hayden T. Klemenok was last seen Sunday in Yosemite National Park and had since gone missing, according to a release on Tuesday, July 4, 2023.
Officials said Hayden T. Klemenok was last seen Sunday in Yosemite National Park and had since gone missing, according to a release on Tuesday, July 4, 2023.
