Herb Carlson: The pathway to greatness is embracing failure

Failure is often portrayed as the ultimate adversary in pursuing success. We are conditioned to fear it, avoid it at all costs, and bury it deep within ourselves when it inevitably strikes. However, as I reflect on my journey, littered with numerous failures of varying magnitudes, I realize that failure is not something to be feared or hidden — it is a crucial stepping stone on the path to greatness.

Oscar Wilde once remarked in "A Woman of No Importance, “Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.” These words resonate deeply with me as I navigate my past failures and shortcomings. They remind us that no matter how dark our past may be, there is always the potential for redemption and growth. We can forge a path toward a brighter future through our struggles, sins and temptations.

It is natural to want to hide from our failures, pretend they never happened, and hope nobody notices. But in doing so, we rob ourselves of the opportunity to learn and grow from our mistakes. Failure is not a reflection of our worth as individuals; rather, it is a testament to our willingness to take risks and push the boundaries of our comfort zones.

Each failure we encounter is a valuable lesson, providing us with invaluable insights into our strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. Through failure, we gain resilience, perseverance, and the determination to keep progressing in adversity.

Moreover, failure fosters humility and empathy, allowing us to connect with others deeply as we recognize that we are not alone in our struggles. We begin to understand that everyone experiences setbacks and challenges on their journey toward success and that our collective ability to rise above these obstacles defines us.

Instead of viewing failure as a setback, we must embrace it as an opportunity for growth and self-discovery. We must have the courage to confront our failures head-on, learn from them, and use them as fuel to propel us towards our goals.

Reflecting on my failures, I remember author and motivational speaker Les Brown, who said, “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss it, you will land among the stars.” Failure is not the end of the road—it is merely a detour on the path to success. We must have the courage to keep moving forward, embrace our failures, and believe in infinite possibilities.

So, failure is not something to be feared or avoided—it is a natural part of human experience. Through our failures, we can cultivate resilience, humility, and empathy. So, let us not hide from our failures but rather embrace them as the stepping stones to the greatness that they are. It is through our struggles and setbacks that we have the opportunity to rise above and achieve our fullest potential.

To end on a happy note, I must say, “If you are not afraid of failure, skydiving is not for you.”

— Herb Carlson is a resident of Petoskey.

This article originally appeared on The Holland Sentinel: Herb Carlson: The pathway to greatness is embracing failure
