Herald letters say the IRS is understaffed and the KSD school levy needs support | Opinion

KSD levy needs your support

We have the opportunity to support and invest in the future of our community. The Kennewick School District needs our support by voting yes in the upcoming levy election. The levy supports four core areas of education; learning, safety, security and activities. These are all crucial areas in keeping students interested and engaged, leading to success and ultimately graduation.

This levy is centered around enhanced safety and security for our kids. If children do not feel safe, it is difficult for them to learn. This levy not only benefits our students and their families but also benefits our community as a whole. That is the reason police chiefs, sheriffs and prosecutors across this county belong to an organization called “Fight Crime Invest in Kids”. Providing the resources for our children to be successful in school is imperative to be successful in life after high school graduation. As the former Kennewick police chief, I know how fortunate we are to have great schools, school leadership, and teachers. They play an important part of adding value to our community and keeping it safe. We need to do our part and support them. Please join Trish and me in voting YES.

Ken and Trish Hohenberg, Kennewick

GOP aims to aid wealthy donors

I don’t understand House Republicans. Their first act is to defund the IRS again? They obviously haven’t had any interaction with the IRS recently. When I had to file a paper form after a relative’s death, I read that the IRS had boxcars full of forms to process. A response can take 18 months; I write a letter to the IRS about an issue, and every 90 days I get a letter saying they need more time to answer me.

They are obviously understaffed. The Republicans insist that those additional agents would go after middle-income families. However, the IRS knows that the wealthy are most apt to conceal tax irregularities in their hundreds of pages of tax returns. It takes a lot of staff to audit those returns, and directions from the Treasury Secretary state that additional agents will audit the wealthy ($400,000 and above). Figures show that this can increase tax revenue. It seems that Republicans are simply trying to make sure that their wealthy donors don’t pay their fair share of taxes.

Also, those who do or will depend on Social Security and Medicare, be aware that the Republicans want to cut those “entitlement” programs.

Joyce Scherpelz, Richland

Longtime coach will vote for levy

It’s time. It’s time to vote “yes” to the (Kennewick) Educational Programs and Operations Levy. Having coached Kamiakin girls’ soccer for many years, I know how important it is to be supported by parents, the school, the Kennewick School District and our community. This support at all levels allows our soccer program, and all other KSD athletic programs, to be successful.

I feel so fortunate that our athletes have had the opportunity for excellence provided through the Kennewick School District. I approach every practice, game and season with that goal of excellence in mind. Let’s keep it up. We need the levy funds for equipment, travel, facilities and coaching staff. By passing the levy, we can continue to make the financial support of our athletic programs excellent as well. Please vote to pass the levy.

Chris Erikson, Kennewick

Kennewick schools deserve a yes vote

One year ago the students of Kennewick School District suffered a tragic loss of school support with a double levy failure. Now we have another school levy election opportunity to provide basic funding for the education of our future leaders.

Please join us in voting YES, for our Kennewick School District students. All of the Kennewick community benefits from this support with a top-notch school district, including real estate and business entities. VOTE YES to support our kids and their futures.

Larry and Peggy Gregory

McCarthy worth Emmy nomination

Does anyone know how to make a nomination for an Emmy? If so, please nominate C-SPAN for a comedy mini-series for its coverage of the election of Mr. McCarthy as Speaker-of-the-House. Some of the best satirical comedy I’ve seen in years.

Sam Hurlbut, Kennewick
