How to help make this Vermonter and Love Your Brain co-founder CNN's 2023 Hero of the Year

A Vermonter has been named one of ten heroes featured by CNN for 2023. You can vote to make him the hero of the year.

Among the 2023 heroes the cable news network is featuring is Adam Pearce, co-founder of Burlington-based Love Your Brain. Pearce assisted his brother, Kevin, who was an Olympics-bound professional snowboarder, with his recovery following a 2009 training accident that left him with a traumatic brain injury.

The brothers found yoga and meditation brought significant improvement to Kevin's condition and outlook and founded Love Your Brain, to help others also facing TBI. Today, the organization runs week-long community retreats − in 2024 retreats will be in Maine and Colorado − as well as regular yoga practice through Sangha Studio in Burlington and online programs focused on yoga, meditation, and support.

Read a 2014 Free Press article: Learning to "love your brain"

Read the CNN Q&A with Adam Pearce: A yoga retreat with a higher purpose: Helping people living with brain injuries

With its annual program CNN Heroes: An Allstar Tribute, the new channel "honors everyday people who are making extraordinary contributions to help improve the lives of others," according to its press release. The show will air Sunday, Dec. 10, at 8 p.m. on CNN, but until that time, voters can determine which of the ten heroes will be named "CNN Hero of the Year."

Pearce is being recognized along with nine other heroes across the U.S. who have created initiatives to improve their communities in these areas: literacy for young, Black boys; education for migrant children; veterinary care for pets of persons experiencing homelessness; bringing education and other opportunities to a blighted urban neighborhood; mobile healthcare for remote communities; college for students with incarcerated parents; everyday needs for homeless veterans; and access to food and medical care for Native American communities.

Each of the top 10 CNN heroes will receive $10,000 and the person named hero of the year will receive an additional $100,000 to put toward the work they are doing.

How to vote for Adam Pearce for CNN Hero of the Year 2023

To vote for Pearce, or any other heroes CNN is featuring, go to Each person gets 10 votes a day and can allocate all of those votes to one person or divide them up among multiple heroes. Votes can also be doubled by sharing on social media. Voting ends Tuesday, Dec. 5, by day's end.

Contact reporter April Barton at or 802-660-1854. Follow her on Twitter @aprildbarton.

This article originally appeared on Burlington Free Press: CNN Heroes: Adam Pearce of Burlington VT makes 2023 list for TBI work
