Here’s how you can help decide funding for high-priority housing in Whatcom

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Whatcom County residents have an opportunity to help decide how funding is used to address housing and homelessness issues locally by answering a community housing survey.

The Skagit County HOME Consortium is preparing the five-year Consolidated Plan that will direct the use of HOME funds in Skagit, Island and Whatcom counties between 2023 and 2027.

Federal HOME funding can be used to support housing development, rental assistance and homebuyer assistance programs. It can also be provided to help local housing agencies strengthen their existing programs.

People living in Skagit, Island and Whatcom counties are being asked to share their input through an anonymous community survey to help shape the five-year plan, inform funding priorities and identify future investments.

Survey respondents are asked to identify their county of residence and answer questions about local housing and homelessness needs. They will have the opportunity to share their thoughts about which specific populations should be prioritized for community resources and which types of actions should be considered for addressing them.

The survey is available in both English and Spanish. It takes five to 10 minutes to complete and will remain open for responses through March 20, 2023.

Questions should be directed to Skagit County Public Health at 360-416-1513.



The HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) is part of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. It provides grants to states and local governments to build, buy and rehabilitate affordable housing for rent and homeownership. It’s also meant to provide rental assistance to low-income people.
