Healthy Entrepreneurship: Navigating the Business World in 2023

Let’s make 2023 our year! While to some that may seem like a fanciful notion, to a select group of young entrepreneurs, this is less a pithy statement and more of a battle cry. It’s the one thing that sets apart people who do, and people who don’t. The people who do are almost fanatical about their success. They eat, breathe and sleep focused on the grind, and if you’re looking to start a business this year, then you need to be too. Here are some tools to get you started on that path.

Leveling up Your Capital

The first thing that any business requires is capital. Whether this is seed money you’ve had saved up, an angel investor, or a loan you take out with a bank, the one thing your business needs above all else to get off the ground is capital! Chances are, unless you are extremely lucky, you’re probably someone who’s going to need to take out a loan, and this can be a labyrinthian process with a lot of pros and cons.

To make sure you have a handle on it, consider checking out the Entrepreneur Guide on getting loans for startup businesses. If you want to get your business up off the ground, you’re going to need some fuel. Attaining a small business loan can be an amazing way to make sure you can keep your business engine running!

Prioritizing Your Health

When you’re the captain of your ship, you have dozens of people looking directly to you for guidance; this is true for a business as well. That’s why if you’re looking to run a successful startup, you need to prioritize your health. One of the best ways to stay on top of your health is to take supplements. One C15 tablet a day not only keeps your gut healthy, but it keeps you focused and gives you more of the energy to keep your business going!

The Right Desk

One cornerstone of every great office is a great desk. A high quality desk looks amazing as a piece of furniture, but more often than not, a great workstation desk gives you a home base. It’s a place where you can organize and gather your thoughts so that you can get ahead for all of your startup’s needs.

Having Some Fun

Now that you have this amazing workstation, we arrive at a new kind of conundrum. How can we decorate our desks? There are a lot of different lines of thought about this subject, but for our money, we suggest some executive office toys! Having something light and fun on your desk can be a great way to jog your creativity; this is important because when you’re in the hot seat, you need to be able to think on your feet.

Having something that can help spur that imagination is key to your ability to make those big decisions! But what toy suits us best? Well, we suggest these magnetic spheres from Specks. They’re little magnetic orbs that can combine to form whatever your creativity desires. When you’re making all the tough calls, it’s important to have a process for making those decisions. Having an office toy can be a great boon to developing that process. Not only that but, they’ll look great on your desk as well.

A Real Reset

Let’s return to the topic of health for a moment. Our health is something that should never be taken for granted. We live in a world where a person’s entire life can change in the blink of an eye, so for someone who truly wants to stay on top of things, making an effort to be in the best health that you can be is incredibly important.

That being said, one of the major keystones of any person’s overall health is their gut health. Having robust gut health can make a major difference in your health. One way to make sure you have a healthy gut is to take part in a cleanse. This is usually a five-day commitment that resets your gut health and relieves your body of the toxins that a lot of different kinds of foods can leave in you. Now, not every cleanse is equal. So we suggest that you look at this guide from Dr. Kellyann on her 5 day cleanse. This guide will teach you how to properly cleanse safely and effectively for your body!

Rest and Relaxation

In life, few immutable axioms stand the test of time. One phrase that does, however, is “work hard, play hard.” Yes, it may seem a tad pithy, but it’s true. If you don’t learn to rest and reward yourself for your hard work, then ultimately, you’re just working for the sake of it. Which is noble, but for many people, it’s a one-way ticket into burnout. One way to combat this is to go to an event. Purchase a pair of UFC tickets from TickPick, take a friend, and have the time of your life!

Setting the Mood

When you’re setting up your office’s decor, it’s important to strike the right tone. You want to strike a balance between inviting and professional. One way to do this is to have an accent of color where one would least expect it. For instance, adding a pop of color with a set of blue curtains from Pepper Home says to your customer that you’re serious about your business but you also like to work in a bright and open atmosphere. This helps your customer feel at ease while also confident in your company’s ability to get the job done.

Keeping it Casual

If you’re the CEO of a fledgling startup, others will look to you for direction on your company’s culture. If you show up every day wearing a suit and tie, you shouldn’t be surprised if your employees start to do the same. However, this is 2023; the age of the man in the gray flannel suit has long been over, so if you’re looking for the right article of clothing that says business casual, try these long sleeve Henley shirts. Public Rec has shirts that are elegant yet approachable and firmly set the dress code for your startup!

Celebrating Your Success

If you’re in the second or third year of your startup, you’re probably starting to see some of the fruits of your labor begin to blossom. When you get to this point, it’s important to acknowledge the people who helped to get you there. Whether it was a loan from a friend or a lead from a former coworker, the fact is is that in all likelihood, you didn’t get to where you are alone; you probably had some help along the way. Send a gift with Goody to those that aided you to show them your gratitude for all the help over the years.

Keep In Contact

If your company focuses on services for your customer base, being able to reach those customers is tantamount to your success. Maybe it’s to remind them of an appointment, maybe it’s to tell them about a deal your company is currently running. Whatever the case, having a mass texting service, like through TextSanity, in which you can easily contact your customers and alert them to the goings on of your company is paramount to its success.

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

If you’re the head of a business, you know it’s a lot like spinning a dozen plates. It’s a lot to keep track of and you’ve got to keep them moving; this becomes especially true when you start delegating some of those responsibilities to members of your team. That’s why it’s so important for all of your employees to have fluid knowledge of team dynamics. Teamly can help every member of your crew know exactly what their job is, as well as understands what they need from everyone else to make sure your ship is running smoothly!


When you first start a business, the challenges can seem insurmountable. But fear not; you’ve got this! You have everything you need, and above all, you have a can-do attitude that’s irreplaceable. You’ve taken the plunge, and now it’s time to focus on swimming. And don’t worry; if you still feel like your office is missing something, just take another look at our guide on everything you might need for your business!

McClatchy newsroom and editorial staff were not involved in the creation of this content.
