If You Hate These Iconic Movies, You Can't Call Yourself a Real Boomer


Boomers & Movies

Baby boomers were there for Woodstock in 1969, watched the moon landing live on TV, and protested the Vietnam War. This generation experienced the birth of rock 'n' roll, the civil rights movement, and the rise of counterculture. They were the first to grow up with television, witnessed the assassination of John F. Kennedy, and felt the impact of the Cold War. They also watched now classics like "The Godfather" and " Star Wars" in the movie theaters.

Here are 15 iconic movies that every baby boomer loves.


1. 'The Graduate' (1967)

When "The Graduate," starring Dustin Hoffman, premiered in 1967, it spoke directly to baby boomers who were entering adulthood and grappling with the social and cultural changes of the era.  The iconic line, "Mrs. Robinson, are you trying to seduce me?" perfectly embodies the sexual revolution of the time and remains a favorite quote among fans to this day. The movie was not only a critical success but also a commercial one, breaking records and becoming one of the highest-grossing films of its time.


2. 'Easy Rider' (1969)

Dennis Hopper's "Easy Rider" is a 1969 movie that perfectly captures the counterculture movement of the time. Its themes of rebellion, nonconformity, and freedom resonated with baby boomers who were coming of age. The movie follows two bikers, Wyatt (played by Peter Fonda) and Billy (played by Dennis Hopper), as they travel from Los Angeles to New Orleans in search of spiritual meaning and the ultimate "freedom."

The movie's iconic soundtrack, featuring songs by Jimi Hendrix, The Byrds, and Steppenwolf, also struck a chord with the generation.

IMDB / Paramount Pictures
IMDB / Paramount Pictures

3. 'The Godfather' (1972)

"The Godfather" is a true masterpiece of American cinema that has become a cultural touchstone and is widely regarded as one of the greatest movies of all time. When the film was released in 1972, it immediately captivated audiences and critics alike, earning rave reviews and breaking box office records. The movie's themes of power, loyalty, and family struck a chord with baby boomers who were coming of age in a tumultuous era of political and social upheaval.

With its all-star cast, unforgettable performances, and iconic quotes, "The Godfather" has become more than just a movie, it's a cultural phenomenon that continues to influence popular culture to this day.


4. 'Grease' (1978)

"Grease" is the ultimate boomer movie that made everyone want to be a cool greaser or a sassy Pink Lady. The movie captured the spirit of the era with an irresistible mix of catchy tunes, high school hijinks, and nostalgia for the 1950s.

When the movie was released in 1978, it quickly became a cultural phenomenon, earning around $400 million at the box office and spawning a hit soundtrack that remains one of the best-selling albums of all time.

From the opening notes of "Grease Lightning" to the unforgettable finale of "You're the One That I Want," the movie is a joyous celebration of youth and the enduring power of music. With its timeless appeal and enduring popularity, "Grease" is a movie that will always be remembered as a quintessential boomer classic.


5. 'Rocky' (1976)

Released in 1976, "Rocky" quickly became a cultural phenomenon and an ultimate boomer movie. The film, written by and starring Sylvester Stallone, tells the story of a down-on-his-luck boxer who gets a shot at the heavyweight championship. But it's not just the rags-to-riches tale that resonated with boomers; it's the film's themes of perseverance, hard work, and the American dream that struck a chord.

Rocky Balboa is the quintessential boomer hero: an underdog who rises to the occasion through sheer determination and grit. He's a blue-collar worker who never gives up, even when the odds are stacked against him.

The film's soundtrack, featuring the iconic"Gonna Fly Now" theme, also played a significant role in its success.


6. 'Apocalypse Now' (1979)

For boomers who lived through the Vietnam War era, Francis Ford Coppola's  "Apocalypse Now" resonates deeply as a reflection of the social and political turmoil of the time. The film's all-star cast, led by Marlon Brando, Martin Sheen, and Robert Duvall, delivered powerful performances that cemented their place in cinematic history. The movie takes viewers on a journey into the heart of darkness during the Vietnam War, and its themes of disillusionment, madness, and the brutality of war are a reflection of the turbulent times in which it was made.

IMDB / Universal
IMDB / Universal

7. 'Jaws' (1975)

Steven Spielberg's "Jaws" made a huge splash upon its release in 1975 and has since become an ultimate boomer movie. "Jaws" not only changed the way movies were marketed and released, but it also popularized the concept of the summer blockbuster. The film's massive success during its summer release proved that audiences were willing to flock to theaters during the warm months, and studios soon began releasing their biggest and most expensive movies during the summer season to take advantage of this trend.

The film tells the story of a great white shark terrorizing a New England beach town, and its impact on pop culture is still felt today.

"Jaws" remains a beloved classic, with its impact on popular culture extending far beyond the movie theater. The film's impact on the public perception of sharks has been well-documented, and its influence on modern horror movies is undeniable.


8. 'Dirty Harry' (1971)

"Dirty Harry" is a classic of 1970s cinema and a film that still resonates with audiences today. Released in 1971, the movie stars Clint Eastwood as Harry Callahan, a tough-as-nails San Francisco cop who is willing to do whatever it takes to bring down a brutal serial killer.

The film's gritty, no-nonsense style and Eastwood's iconic performance as the titular character helped to define the "tough cop" archetype that would go on to influence countless action movies in the years to come. "Dirty Harry" also explored complex issues of justice and morality, with Callahan's methods often called into question even as he becomes a hero to the public for his relentless pursuit of the killer.


9. 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest' (1975)

"One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" is a powerful and thought-provoking film that continues to captivate audiences to this day. Released in 1975, the movie stars Jack Nicholson as Randle McMurphy, a charismatic and rebellious inmate in a mental institution who inspires his fellow patients to challenge the oppressive authority of Nurse Ratched, played by Louise Fletcher.


10. 'Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope' (1977)

"Star Wars" made an immediate impact upon its initial release in 1977, quickly capturing the imaginations of baby boomers across the country. For many, the franchise has become much more than just a series of movies - it has seeped into the very fabric of American society, inspiring "Star Wars"-themed products, theme parks, and a devoted fanbase that spans generations. The popularity of the original film led to a trilogy, and eventually an entire franchise that continues to release TV shows and movies, ensuring that the legacy of "Star Wars" will endure for years to come.

IMDB / Warner Bros.
IMDB / Warner Bros.

11. 'All the President's Men' (1976)

Far from just another newspaper room film, 1976's Oscar-winning "All the President's Men" was a raw appeal to liberals yearning for an escape from the Nixon era. Directed by Alan J. Pakula and starring Robert Redford and Dustin Hoffman, the movie does a great job of depicting a journalistic process and a cautionary tale about the media's role in democracy. Also: typewriters, telephone books, and a lot of office desks.


12. 'Annie Hall' (1977)

Woody Allen's first "serious" and critically acclaimed film features a 30-year-old Diane Keaton in tomboy attire, uttering "La-di-da" and being charmingly naive, which made her the everyman and everywoman's quirky heroine as she goes about her life in '70s New York. It also entertained the "cute" notion that Allen appeals to women of every demographic. But that was the comedic part of the movie.

Columbia Pictures / IMDB
Columbia Pictures / IMDB

13. 'Kramer vs. Kramer' (1979)

During a time when divorce rates were at their highest, it make sense that Boomers found "Kramer vs. Kramer" relatable. The Oscar-winning drama, featuring Meryl Streep and Dustin Hoffman, touched on the complexities of family dynamics, custody battles, and personal growth amidst separation.

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer / IMDB
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer / IMDB

14. '2001: A Space Odyssey' (1968)

Released in 1968, during a time of significant social and technological change, this Stanley Kubrick masterpiece captivated Boomers with its striking visuals, groundbreaking special effects, and profound contemplation of humanity's place in the cosmos. Just one year after the movie's release, Boomers watched the moon landing on live television, which, from this perspective, gives the film even more significance.


15. 'American Graffiti' (1973)

"American Graffiti" hit the screens in 1973, instantly becoming a nostalgic trip for Boomers. Directed by George Lucas, this flick takes us back to the early '60s, a more straightforward, carefree era right before the cultural revolution and Vietnam War complexities set in. Through a night of cruising, rock 'n' roll, and drive-ins, it captures the last moments of innocence for a group of high school grads.

This article was produced and syndicated by MediaFeed.
