Harley Quinn Recap: Season 4 Finale Tees Up a New Team-Up, Ends With a Chilling Reveal

Max’s Harley Quinn with its Season 4 finale said good-bye to one team of heroes… and hello to a new formation of fierce femmes.

The bulk of the yet-to-be-renewed DC series’ finale, titled “Killer’s Block,” revolved around Ivy’s realization that Talia al Ghul and the EWBC don’t aspire to destroy Lex so much as playfully poke at him. Frustrated, Ivy brings Harley to Lex’s 16th 40th birthday party on the moon. When Harley slips off next door — meaning, to the moon facility that’s a space buggy ride away — to hit the loo, she discovers a weakened, skeletal Superman being held captive behind a kryptonite force field. Oh, and nearby is Lex’s space laser!

Back at the party, the guest of honor interrupts Clayface-as-Marilyn’s “Happy Birthday” cooing to unveis his Super LexMan supersuit (and lush head of hair). Ivy sees an opportunity to make a statement and seize the crown, so she invites a fight. Alas, no amount of vicious vines are a match for Lex’s superstrength, cold breath and what not.

Defeated, Ivy and Harley grab a space buggy and make a beeline for Lex’s space laser. Lex flies outside to his own buggy, and a chase ensues. Harlivy, though, enlist a bedridden Barbara (more on her in a sec) to hack Lex’s buggy and steer him off a cliff and into a crater. Steppenwolf then shows up — to help him, Lex assumes. Instead, Steppenwolf boom-tubes Lex to cosmic points unknown. Ivy then freely uses the space laser to lay waste to the Earthly properties belonging to Talia et al, before directing it at the Hall of Doom.

Back on Earth, Harley — who had thus far been unable to kill the Joker (hence, episode title) after wresting him away from his overprotective new family — left her ex at the mercy of Jim Gordon and his “tuna cans” of fury. That night at the cemetery, Harley and Ivy met up with Barbara, who now uses a wheelchair after being paralyzed waist down by the Joker’s gunshot. The trio realize that they were all lured to the graveyard by Catwoman, who in the course of graverobbing discovered that Nightwing’s plot was mysteriously empty –custom coffin and all. With Barbara and Harley’s Bat-family officially defunct, the quartet of ladies agree to get to the bottom of this new mystery as — no, not the “Birds of Prey,” Barbara you weirdo — but the Gotham City Sirens.

But first, they agree to take the weekend off. After all, Dick is dead, how much worse can things get? But little do they know that Talia is in the process of revealing to her son Damian that Dick is now alive — though as seen as he emerges from the Lazarus Pit, not quite the same!

Elsewhere: Getting a glimpse through prison bars of the chaos caused by Ivy’s space laser, Bruce Wayne decides to call in a favor and get himself sprung from Blackgate — just as Alfred was being brought in, after committing white collar crime in order to be reunited with his boss!
