Get to know the Cancer star sign: Emotional powerhouses in the world of astrology

Cancer, one of the Zodiac's summer signs is known often as a highly emotional figure. Symbolized by the hard-shelled crab, but soft on the inside, this water sign is incredibly nuanced.

In conversation with astrologer Wade Caves, USA TODAY explores Cancer sign's key personality traits, approach to relationships (both platonic and romantic) and their strengths and weaknesses.

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Caves says he grew up in a religious household, and though he drifted away from that particular kind of organized religion, as he got older, he held tight to the underscoring assumption that there is order to the universe.

"The idea that things aren't connected would send my reality into chaos," he jokes, adding later that newcomers to astrology need simply ask themselves: "Do you believe it's possible that all things are connected? And if so, might that also suggest that what's in motion might be unknown to itself, revealing some intricacies behind the way in which the world works."

Learn more about each Zodiac sign

Pisces | Aquarius | Capricorn | Sagittarius | Scorpio | Libra | Virgo | Leo | Cancer | Gemini | Taurus | Aries

What is my zodiac sign? Horoscopes, astrology, and what the stars says about you

How many Zodiac signs are there? Meet the 12 astrological signs, their traits and more.

When does Cancer season start?

The dates for cancer season are June 22 to July 22. Smack dab in the middle of summer, this air sign is symbolized by the crab.

Key personality traits of Cancers

Caves describes Cancer signs as lovers of change, often people who enjoy travel and who are best when living by a body of water (they are water signs after all).

"It's important to them to be in communities where there's a lot of exchange of people," Caves says of Cancers, reminding that they are symbolized by the crab and that means they enjoy places where they can quietly withdraw into their shell and be in communion with themselves.

Cancers are very emotionally led, as well. For these signs, "personal irritations or personal joy can outweigh the reason of how we move forward in a particular scenario," he explains. Though Cancers get a rep for being overly emotional, Caves asserts that we are all emotional, and Cancer signs might just be more willing to listen to that emotion.

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Cancers are very astute businesspeople Caves says, describing them as individuals who can easily assess the needs of the day and move towards action.

"They are inherently ambitious," he says, "you're going to find a Cancer type mentality anywhere where the dream and the idea is to expand or to grow."

These signs thrive best in roles where there is a lot of communication, a lot of different touch points, Caves says, explaining, "you will often find them at the head of change initiatives or leading small teams."

They are natural born leaders, he says, in part because they are so relatable. However, they sometimes struggle with stamina and don't take to projects with protracted timelines. "They tend to shine in scenarios where they can kick something off and then continue to inspire, but not necessarily have to be the one to sit with every last little detail of executing," Caves tells me.


In a relationship, Cancers are highly talkative, Caves says. They don't much like the idea of being quiet or being shut down, and they definitely don't want to be shamed.

"I think Cancer is very aware that sometimes there's a naivety that comes with their exuberance and the brightness that they put out, and they can feel really easily knocked back if for any reason they're made to feel ridiculous," he explains, adding, "sometimes as a result, they don't put themselves out there as much as they should because they're afraid of feeling any kind of semblance of embarrassment or shame."

In relationships with coworkers, friends and romantic partners alike, Cancers want to go deeper than the surface, Caves says, and they often take issue with connections that feel too transactional.

Cancers are highly compatible with both Scorpio and Pisces, the other water signs. They also make good matches with both Virgo and Taurus signs, though their relationships with Tauruses are uniquely special, Caves says. "There's a special relationship between Cancer and Taurus where there’s really good flow of energy between those two," he explains, "It's one of the best kind of celestial combos you can get."

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Sometimes a Cancer's ability to be led by their emotions can blind them. In business for example, Caves says Cancers might let their sensitivity get the best of them, causing them to stay too attached to projects they've worked on that get scrapped or wonder why the company isn't utilizing them better.

Cancers can also get bored in the workplace easier, pushing them more to the inspiration side of things and less to the execution process.

Cancers can let their emotions cloud reason and push them to hyper focus on their own reaction versus the reality of a situation.

Conversely, Cancers sometimes struggle to put themselves out there and choose instead to retract into their shell, Caves says, for fear that they will be hurt or humiliated by someone.


"They do not sit idly by," Caves says of Cancers, in comparison to a Pisces or Scorpio which are signs that might take a more laid-back approach. A Cancer will spring into action when there is something to be done.

Cancers are excellent leaders and are able to easily relate to others. They communicate well and are "ideas people," Caves says. Their desire to be around change makes them incredibly ambitious as well and eager to travel and explore new places.

Because they are so emotionally led, Cancers also have an innate ability to listen to themselves and understand their inner mechanisms.

New to Astrology? We've got you covered. Explore more Zodiac coverage and find out what that stars say about you with USA TODAY's astrological sign series.

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Cancer Zodiac sign: Compatibility, Personality traits, season dates
