Gwyneth Paltrow Says She Turned Down Leonardo DiCaprio Because He Was “Loose With the Goods”

Gwyneth Paltrow simply did not hold back during her recent interview on Call Her Daddy, and on top of revealing who’s better in bed—Ben Affleck or Brad Pitt—she revealed whether or not she hooked up with Leonardo DiCaprio. Short answer: not a chance. Long answer: He tried to make out with her and she shut him down.

“Nope, never made out with Leo,” Gwyneth said. “He tried back in the day. But he was already, like, you know, he was very loose with the goods from when he was 19.”

Um, incredible. But back to Brad and Ben real quick in case you missed her musings on their respective bedroom skills.

“Brad was like the sort of major chemistry, love of your life, kind of, at the time and then Ben was, like, technically excellent,” Gwyneth revealed, joking, “I can’t believe my daughter’s listening to this.”

Gwyneth also played a game of Fuck, Marry, Kill starring Brad, Ben, and her ex-husband Chris Martin, saying that she’d 100 percent marry Chris for round two: “I would do that all again.” And when it comes to who she’d have sex with? That’d obviously be Brad based on those ~major chemistry~ comments, leaving Ben as the person she’d kill. As Gwyneth kindly put it, “Ben, yeah, god bless him.”

Welp. Speaking of Brad and Gwyneth’s chemistry, she also explained that they fully had “major love at first sight,” saying breaking off their engagement was “really hard” but that she had “a lot of development to do” and “had such a pleasing issue. I didn’t really even understand how to listen to my instincts and act from that place.”

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