Gutsy dog picks fight with a shark in the Bahamas — and comes out on top, video shows

A hammerhead shark was in for a surprise fight when a dog jumped on top of it in the waters off the Bahamas, a video showed.

The shark swam under a tour boat on Feb. 15 and the passengers took note of the massive ocean predator.

“How big is that?” one passenger asked in the video.

“About 12 feet,” another responded.

The shark swam ahead of the boat and approached a dock off the shore. As the shark swam next to the dock, a dog jumped off the dock and onto some rocks, and then jumped into the water.

The video, posted by tour company Exuma Water Sports 007 on Facebook, captured the shock and terror of those watching from the tour boat.

As people on the boat screamed, the dog started biting at the shark and followed it through the water, continuing to attack.

The shark’s fins came out of the water as the two animals splashed around, and the onlookers yelled out for someone to do something. The shark started to swim away from the dog before circling back around.

“How is the dog going to get out of the water?” a boater asked.

Another boater yelled, “Get out, baby! Get out!”

As the shark swam back toward the dock, the dog paddled ahead and made it up on shore, according to a follow-up Facebook reel.

When asked if the dog was ok, Exuma Water Sports 007 responded “Yes, the shark got bitten in this case!”

“This was just one more surprise breathtaking moment, and I’m sure everyone is relieved that the dog is fine,” the Friends of Humane Society Exuma, Inc. commented on the video.

Exuma is a district of the Bahamas with 365 islands.

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