Your Guide to Manifesting Anything, According to Experts

a young woman is writing on her journal while sitting on a couch
How to Manifest AnythingKarl Tapales - Getty Images

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“Anything is possible if you set your mind to it.” “If you can believe it, you can do it.” “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” If you’ve heard any of these popular motivational quotes before, you’ve already been introduced to the concept of manifestation. And if you want to start willing your goals into existence, you may be asking yourself how to manifest your dreams—starting now.

Anyone can learn how to start manifesting their goals. But if you’re still a bit skeptical of the process and the supposed results, don’t be afraid to give it a shot. Here, our experts explain what exactly manifestation is, how it works, and how to start manifesting what you want today.

What is manifestation?

Manifestation is more about doing something to change your life, says Jeff Yoo, M.F.T., psychotherapist at Moment of Clarity Mental Health Center. “Manifesting is the process of creating what you want by changing your patterns of thinking and attitude toward self-improvement,” he says. Your beliefs and opinions have enormous influence in your decision making, the way you think can alter your ability to grow and concentrate on what issues need attention, he adds.

Manifestation is inviting something into your world via thinking, feeling, visualizing, journaling, meditating, and immense focus, says Rainier Wells, L.M.H.C., therapist at Grow Therapy. “Manifestation is practiced by many across spiritual and religious practices to turn a desire into reality,” they explain. Manifesting is based on a belief, wish, or hope that one would like for their life, typically involving intentions around achievement, freedom, joy, and hope, they add.

You may also hear the term “law of attraction,” which is sometimes used interchangeably with manifestation, says Marti Moron, L.C.S.W., therapist at Grow Therapy. “Law of attraction states simply that our experiences are heavily influenced by our mindset—so the more positive your approach to life, the more positive your experiences will be,” she explains. There is also the “law of assumption” in which you manifest your success by believing that what you want is already secured within your reality, Moron adds.

How does manifestation work?

You can truly manifest anything, says Wells. “You can manifest intentions around work, relationships, friendships, monetary goals, mental wellness, self-confidence, and much more,” they say. Manifestation may not always lead to the exact intention at the frequency and intensity that one would like, as life is not often operating on timelines involving instant gratification. Manifestation cannot replace action but can work alongside it in a healthy manner, they add.

A manifestation comes from a need by setting attainable goals, whether it’s a relationship that’s struggling, or seeking better employment, a new home or relocating to another state, explains Yoo. “Regardless, deciding to work through issues, manifesting practices and thinking about what needs to change in the current situation is a good place to start.”

The success of manifestation relies heavily on your willingness to believe in your abilities to achieve and that the universe has your back, says Moron. However, this is not to say that manifesting is the only action you need to take. “We don’t just think positive thoughts then sit back and hope for the best,” Moron explains. She suggests to “think of manifesting as the compass to achieving your dreams and obtaining your goals. It provides you with direction, motivates you to organize the steps toward the reality you want, and helps you recalibrate if/when you find that you are losing your way.”

How can you start manifesting something?

Begin by spending time reflecting on some changes you want to make to your reality, says Moron. She suggests asking yourself exploratory questions such as:

  • How can I obtain more control over my life?

  • Is my energy utilized in ways that feel satisfying?

  • What are areas in my life that need more attention?

  • What am I afraid I will never achieve?

Once you’ve dug deep, move forward by having a clear vision of what it is you want, says Moron. “The vision can be something open, such as ‘I want my love life to be more fulfilling,’ or more focused like ‘I will be valedictorian of my class.’”

The key is to look at manifesting from a goal-setting point of view, suggests Yoo. “By visualizing an objective you would begin by writing down what you want, keeping in mind that the objective goal is not going to magically appear, however, it will increase the odds of success by working toward a self-fulfilling goal,” he explains.

Yoo says there is a recipe for manifestation: Set your priorities in order. Here’s where to start:

  1. Write them down beginning with what is most important

  2. Be clear about what you want to obtain and how you plan to obtain it

  3. Set a time and date for the outcome

  4. Be realistic in thoughts and actions

  5. Discuss the manifestation with your therapist friends or family

  6. Be proactive in following through on your commitments

  7. Work on self-improvement and self-worth activities

Benefits of manifesting

Manifestation is actually positive thinking in a nutshell, says Yoo, and the core concepts of manifestation can be a benefit to a person’s emotional and mental well-being. “Setting a goal and working towards a positive outcome could result in lowering depression or a negative outlook by using a positive, goal-oriented mindset,” he explains.

When we manifest, we take control of our realities, says Moron. “We commit to believing in ourselves and the positive energy the universe is holding for us. We build confidence in our abilities while allowing space for mistakes and wrong turns because we know that, in the end, we will achieve our goals. Because we deserve to be happy, whole, safe, loved, and secure,” she explains.

Manifesting has benefits of awareness, intention, and action, says Wells. “When we manifest actively, we are focusing on our true desires, taking steps, and facilitating the life we desire, as opposed to passivity, hoping, getting caught in what is or isn’t fair, and feeling hopeless.” With that being said, manifesting can only be a healthy practice if done with the knowledge that the world operates on its own timeline and that life doesn’t always deliver to us what we think we need, Wells adds.

What to keep in mind when you manifest

Manifestation looks different for everyone: there are those that take it from a simple perspective and those that have very detailed, structured plans for manifesting, says Moron. “Take your time to learn what works best for you and don’t be afraid to approach manifestation from different directions until you find a way that suits you.”

Keep in mind that practicing gratitude is crucial when manifesting, notes Wells. “Even though we’re not where we might want to be, we must acknowledge what we have present in our lives and let that buoy us to an improved life.”

Above all, remember that the primary goal of manifestation is to sort out your priorities and focus on your objectives, says Yoo. Just speaking it does not create the outcome, your personal commitment and work at seeing the goal through is the key. “The manifestation is the beginning, not the end of the goal.”

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