Your Guide to Cannabis Edibles

Cbd candy - Woman holding edible cannabis leaf for anxiety treatment - Marijuana alternative medicine
Vanessa Nunes/istockphoto

Everything Edibles

It’s hard to believe that it’s been over a decade since Colorado and Washington had the good sense to legalize cannabis for recreational use. Since then, the green stuff has ballooned to a 13 billion dollar industry, and the variety of ways in which we ingest it — including edibles — have grown more and more accessible.

Curious about all the types of edibles but not sure where to start? Want to know if they’re right for you? Here’s our guide to everything you need to know.


What Are Edibles?

Generally, edibles refer to any cannabis product with THC that you consume without inhaling. There are countless types of cannabis edibles out there, with products ranging from chocolate bars to chapstick.

Compared to inhaling, ingesting edibles is a somewhat “healthier” choice.. But then again, if you’re eating chocolate bars or gummies every day, that’s not exactly a model of perfect nutrition either.

vials of CBD oil

What Types of Edibles Are There?

For the most part, edibles take the shape of food products. Here are the most common types.

Gummies, Mints, and Candies

It’s no wonder these are so popular. Who doesn’t love a gummy? Just do yourself a favor and lock them up after you take one; you might end up craving more delicious gummies once the edible hits.

Baked Goods

Brownies were kind of the original, you know? Pot brownies are iconic. Cookies and pies are cute and all, but why not start your journey where it all began?


You’ll find THC-infused seltzers, tonic, soda, tea, and so much more.


These are great for making your own edibles at home. Just grab some THC-infused olive oil.

Squishy Gummy Bear Light
Uncommon Goods

How Long Do the Effects of Edibles Last?

Like all substances, this depends on your tolerance and experience. Depending on the amount of THC you’re used to, the effects can last anywhere from 6 to 12 hours; if your tolerance is especially low, you can even feel the effects of edibles for another 24 hours after that.

Sarah Pender/istockphoto

Do Edibles Expire?

Edibles expire when the product in question expires. Gummies and candy can be stored for a longer time than a brownie, simply because baked goods expire faster.

Cbd cannabis gummy - Woman eating edible weed sweet candy leaf for anxiety alternative treatment - Medical marijuana
Vanessa Nunes/istockphoto

How Long Do Edibles Take To Kick In?

This will vary greatly depending on who you are. How fast is your metabolism normally? On average, the effects of cannabis-infused edibles take about an hour to kick in (though it’s possible to be as fast-acting as 30 minutes). If you digest the edible slowly, particularly if you’ve just eaten, it can take two hours or more.

Here’s a scenario to avoid, and it’s one that every single inexperienced edible user goes through: You pop a gummy bear. You wait an hour. You’re not feeling anything. You think to yourself, “I don’t think this is working,” and you decide to pop another one. Uh oh! Turns out the minute you eat that second bear, you start to feel the effects of the first one. And now you’re too high for the planet.

Don’t do that.


How Much THC Is in an Edible?

Every product is different. One dose is often somewhere in the range of 5 mg to 10 mg of THC. In a container of gummies, you may find 10 to 20 individual pieces that are 5 mg each.

Most companies that know what they’re doing make it easy to understand the dosage. Whether this means some pre-perforated cannabis chocolate or a tube of individual mints, it shouldn’t be hard to figure out how much THC you're getting. Check the label of your product for serving sizes.


Where Can You Buy Edibles?

Look anywhere where recreational THC is available. Dispensaries aren’t hard to find these days, so a quick “dispensaries near me” search should lead you right to your local shop.

two cans cheers with rebel rabbit seltzer
Rebel Rabbit

What Is Delta-8 THC and How Is it Different?

Delta-8 is THC extracted from hemp rather than cannabis. Made legal by The Farm Bill, this type of active ingredient is different from the Delta-9 THC found in states where marijuana consumption is legal.

This article was originally published on Cheapism

Cbd candy - Woman holding edible cannabis leaf for anxiety treatment - Marijuana alternative medicine
Vanessa Nunes/istockphoto

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