How to Grow and Care for Pussy Willows

This unique shrub is easy to grow and great for planting near ponds or in rain gardens.

<p>Istetiana/Getty Images</p>

Istetiana/Getty Images

Pussy willows are a unique plant grown as shrubs or small trees that can inspire a lot of curiosity. At the end of winter, small, fuzzy nubs grow at the end of the branches, resembling furry kitten paws (hence the plant's name). The soft coating on the nubs protects the plant's flowers from the cold just before they bloom. The flowers, which are called catkins, are petalless and look like typical flowers. If you find cut pussy willow stems in a store, you'll often see them dried in their fuzzy stage. However, if you grow the plant at home, you can see all the fascinating transformations before your eyes. Below, find out what you need to know to learn how to grow and care for pussy willows.

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Pussy Willow Care Tips

Fortunately, pussy willows are easy to grow and multiply, since they root quickly. They're a moisture-loving plant native to wetlands and moist woods, so they'll thrive when planted near a pond, lake, stream, or in a rain garden.


Pussy willows like a good amount of light to do their best. "Pussy willows typically prefer full sun to partial shade," Keegan Nesvacil, co-founder of Woodland Tools Co says. "They thrive in locations that receive at least six hours of direct sunlight per day but can also tolerate some shade, especially in hotter climates where partial shade helps protect them from intense afternoon sun.”

Soil and Water

As mentioned above pussy willows, like all willows, love moisture. “Pussy willows require consistently moist soil, typically requiring watering once or twice a week during their active growing season," Nesvacil says. "To gauge watering needs, check soil moisture by inserting a finger into the soil; if it feels dry at a depth of 1-2 inches, it's time to water.”

Pussy willows prefer moist, well-draining soil that is rich in organic matter, Nesvacil says, but they can also do well in slightly sandier soil, too.

Temperature and Humidity

Pussy willows grow best in moderate to cool temperatures—thriving in plant hardiness zones 4 to 8. "They also prefer moderate humidity levels, so avoiding extremes in temperature and humidity helps maintain optimal growing conditions for these plants,” Nesvacil says.


Pussy willows can grow fast and easily without the help of fertilizer, but Nesvacil says the plant can benefit from a light application of balanced fertilizer. Add this in early spring, just as new growth begins, for the best results.


Before pruning your pussy willow, determine your desired outcome. If you're hoping to encourage the plant to produce long, straight branches filled with catkins, then you'll want to use the coppice pruning technique, which involves severely cutting the plant back. If, on the other hand, you're looking to help your plant produce a more full and shapely shrub, you'll want to try shape pruning, which involves cutting back a third of the older branches and pruning any younger branches that are growing out of shape. The best time to prune pussy willow is during spring.

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