Gremlins: Secrets of the Mogwai Finale Recap: Did Sam Save Gizmo (and Shanghai) From Greene’s Evil Clutches?

At the end of Gremlins: Secrets of the Mogwai‘s penultimate episode, Claw was about to Godzilla her way through Shanghai, destroying everything — and everyone! — in her path. If Nuwa was still around, she’d probably slap the kids with one big, fat “I told you so!” (Ugh. Humans.)

Sam, his parents and Elle know they need retrieve the magical knife from the creature if they want to turn the gremlins back into cutesy mogwai (and you know, save the city and whatnot). With Gizmo agreeing to be bait for the love-stricken Claw, the kids head off to put their rough plan in place, not knowing that the hand-less madman Riley Greene is still lurking about.

When Claw eats the knife, Gizmo does the unthinkable and jumps into her mouth. (Uh, gross, Gizmo!) A couple gremlins jump in after him, but when the giant upchucks, Giz is able to grab the knife while hurling through the air onto a roof. But by the time Elle and Sam catch up to him, Greene has both Gizmo and the knife in his possession, and he uses it to tie up the kids and regrow his hands. Claw interrupts his annoying monologue (hasn’t this dude talked enough?!) and grabs him, so he opens a portal that shines bright sunlight into the city, killing many of the gremlins and melting Claw’s body all over the street.

Greene says he’s going to crush Shanghai and demand that the world worship him, since he became a god after consuming Nuwa’s pearl. As he’s holding the knife of creation, the kids trick him into thinking about turning into a cockroach… and that he does, but not before emitting all of the glowing pearly orbs he ate up earlier. The knife then falls to the ground and cuts the cockroach that is Greene in half.

With the Big Bad now kaput, Sam wields the knife’s power to transform the rest of the evil gremlins into cuddly little mogwai, thus saving the city. (Hooray!) One of the glowing pearls then transforms back into Grandpa. All of Greene’s victims come back to life, including Nuwa, who gathers the rest of the creatures and transports them back to the Valley of Jade. Gizmo crosses through the portal, but then runs back to Shanghai to hug Sam and Elle. Nuwa decides it’s OK to give humanity another shot, so she lets Gizmo remain with the Wings and Elle, who has now become a member of their family.

In the final moments, we see one gremlin has survived the entire debacle. It’s Noggin, and he’s boarded a ship that’s heading straight for San Francisco.

So what did you think about Secrets of the Mogwai’s big finish? Would you watch a Season 2? Grade the finale and season overall, then let us know in the comments!
