Greensky Hill bids farewell to the Rev. Mays and welcomes Pastor Sheaffer

Greensky Hill Indian United Methodist Church is shown surrounded by fall colors.
Greensky Hill Indian United Methodist Church is shown surrounded by fall colors.

CHARLEVOIX — At 10 a.m. on Sunday, Dec. 31, the community is invited to welcome Greensky Hill's new pastor, Sarah Dominic Sheaffer, and bid farewell to the Rev. Jonathan David Mays, who has served the congregation for the last decade.

The congregation will celebrate this important transition on the Sunday after Christmas with the conclusion of the series, "The Gift of Being Present." Week 5: "Being Present with Assurance," featuring Advent candle lighting, carols, and prayers in Anishinaabemowin and English, music with The Drum Voices of Greensky Hill, worship pastor Sharon Osterhouse, and others, a reflection on the First Nations Version of Luke 2:22-40 by the Rev. Jonathan Mays, a video by The Work of the People, and a "Passing of the Mantle" ceremony welcoming Pastor Sarah.

Series creator Worship Design Studio notes: "The overwhelming message of the Christmas story is the assurance that we, too, are children of the Holy One. In this, our very presence is a gift if we will only allow the Spirit to move in and through us. Every day of our ordinary lives, we can show up — be present — and proclaim the assurance of hope, peace, joy and love to those who need it most."

Rev. Mays expressed his gratitude to the congregation and community.

"I am so incredibly thankful for my 10 1/2 years at Greensky Hill. I can't imagine a more gracious community or sacred place with such a rich history and promise," Rev. Mays said. "Our founding Native pastor, Peter Greensky, and ancestors would be so proud of what this congregation has accomplished in its 190-year ministry and Greensky Hill's ministry priorities of being radically welcoming to all people, the Greening of Greensky Hill with a Sacred Spaces Clean Energy grant and a Solar Faithful solar panel installation, and the creation of the Greensky Hill Anishinaabe Conservancy to preserve and protect the land forever. It's the perfect time for me to retire and Pastor Sarah, as an LTBB citizen with deep community connections, is the right leader at the right time."

All are welcome every Sunday at 10 a.m. at 8484 Greensky Hill Road in Charlevoix and online.

In partnership with the Manna Food Project, Greensky Hill has family food boxes available at no cost to anyone in need of food support in Charlevoix, Emmet, and Antrim counties. No strings attached!

Previous services and more information are available at

This article originally appeared on The Petoskey News-Review: Greensky Hill bids farewell to the Rev. Mays and welcomes Pastor Sheaffer
