Green Bay Packers-Microsoft partnership expands into Milwaukee with unique AI innovation hub

ASHWAUBENON - TitletownTech leaders hailed Microsoft's plan to locate a manufacturing-focused artificial intelligence co-innovation lab in Milwaukee as a "game-changer" for a key driver of Wisconsin's economy.

President Joe Biden and Gov. Tony Evers visit Wednesday to Racine County highlighted Microsoft's $3.3 billion investment in a Mount Pleasant data center. Equally important will be Microsoft's decision to locate the seventh AI co-innovation lab in the world, and only third in the United States, on the UW-Milwaukee campus.

Evers called the announcement "a watershed moment for Wisconsin and a critical part of our work to build a 21st-century workforce and economy in the Badger State."

The data center will improve the state's infrastructure and technological capabilities while the AI co-innovation lab and TitletownTech will help support existing businesses, develop new businesses and create new opportunities for Wisconsin workers, said Craig Dickman, managing partner at Green Bay-based TitletownTech.

"If you’re anywhere in the country and thinking about making something, improving the process to manufacture something, you’ll want to be now in this new center of gravity being created here in Wisconsin focused on manufacturing," Dickman said.

Craig Dickman, TitletownTech managing partner, and Mark Murphy, CEO of the Green Bay Packers, on May 9 talk about a new AI Co-Innovation Lab the Packers and Microsoft will open on the UW-Milwaukee campus.
Craig Dickman, TitletownTech managing partner, and Mark Murphy, CEO of the Green Bay Packers, on May 9 talk about a new AI Co-Innovation Lab the Packers and Microsoft will open on the UW-Milwaukee campus.

The AI lab will be located in UW-Milwaukee's Connected Systems Institute and funded by TitletownTech's founding partners, Microsoft and the Green Bay Packers, plus a $500,000 grant from the Wisconsin Economic Development Corp. Dickman said the innovation lab will turn Wisconsin into a "beacon" for manufacturers and innovators who want to understand AI and harness it to improve manufacturing operations.

"We’ve seen AI and technology is transforming the landscape for manufacturing and frankly every industry that we work with," Dickman said. "If we’re going to be on the leading edge of the manufacturing economy, we’ve got to be on the leading edge of technology that impacts the economy as well."

More: President Biden touts Microsoft's Racine County 'comeback project,' contrasts it with Foxconn failure

More on TitletownTech: How luck helped the Green Bay Packers, Microsoft launch a $95 million venture capital firm

Microsoft Corp. President Brad Smith speaks before President Joe Biden Wednesday at Gateway Technical College in Sturtevant. Smith joined Biden to highlight Microsoft's moves to build upon the company's previous investments in the state. Microsoft has pledged a minimum value of $1 billion on the first phase of the development in the Wisconsin Innovation Park in nearby Mount Pleasant.

New AI Co-Innovation Lab expands on TitletownTech's mission to support business development across Wisconsin

Microsoft and the Packers founded TitleotwnTech in 2017 and launched its first venture capital fund in 2019 to invest in and nurture early-stage companies in key sectors of the statewide economy. It aims to develop a little bit of Silicon Valley-type support and funding resources right here in Wisconsin, rather than on the East or West coasts.

Green Packers President and CEO Mark Murphy said TitletownTech's expansion into Milwaukee furthers the team's goal to make a long-term impact on the statewide economy.

"I cannot think of something that will be more impactful in the state than what we've done with TitletownTech," Murphy said.

How TitletownTech fits in to Microsoft's $3.3 billion investment in Mount Pleasant and Milwaukee

Dickman put it this way: Microsoft's new data center will create the computing power an innovation lab like this needs to harness AI to try to solve real world problems. TitletownTech, Microsoft and UW-Milwaukee will operate the innovation lab to help entrepreneurs, startups and existing businesses work on an idea, a process or a problem to solve.

The innovation lab will provide the business with access to talent, AI, technology and expertise to refine and test their idea or product, very much like what TitletownTech does now with more than 30 startup companies it has invested in. It could take a few days, or a few months, but the end-result would be a new idea or more efficient process or prototype product.

"We want to inspire people and provide them access to the best technology and tools in the world, right here in Wisconsin" Dickman said.

TitletownTech would also be in a position to either directly invest in the startup, connect the group with early stage capital investors, or help a company quickly deploy the new product or process in order to maximize its commercial value, much like it already does.

TitletownTech is a venture capital firm founded by the Green Bay Packers and Microsoft that is based in the Titletown District west of Lambeau Field.
TitletownTech is a venture capital firm founded by the Green Bay Packers and Microsoft that is based in the Titletown District west of Lambeau Field.

Connecting Green Bay and Milwaukee area economies

Jill Enos, also a managing partner at TitletownTech, said the venture capital firm's collaboration with Microsoft, UW-Milwaukee and other partners has helped bring national attention to northeastern Wisconsin's economic impact on the state. Enos said a Wisconsin-based AI innovation lab and Microsoft's data center will draw national attention to economic opportunities up and down Interstate 41.

Enos also said the expansion into Milwaukee isn't about Green Bay competing with Milwaukee so much as it is connecting two of Wisconsin's key economic regions. Combined, the collaborative efforts will support a key statewide industry that generates more than $72 billion in economic activity and employs more than 470,000 Wisconsinites, according to WEDC.

"I expect this will have a bigger impact than most people realize," Enos said. "It can have an impact on a different level."

Contact Jeff Bollier at (920) 431-8387 or Follow him on Twitter at @JeffBollier.

This article originally appeared on Green Bay Press-Gazette: Microsoft, Packers focus on AI as TitletownTech expands into Milwaukee
