Grassroots organizer: Raleigh needs better answers for growth


Raleigh growth

The writer is on the Livable Raleigh advisory committee.

The N&O’s June 21 Opinion piece about Raleigh’s upcoming election concludes: “Local elected officials will need to come up with a better answer than tax breaks for developers and tax hikes for homeowners.”

It highlights the work of local watchdog Livable Raleigh to support its conclusion that Raleigh needs better answers for growth, instead of putting developer profits ahead of the rest of us.

We agree.

For three years, Livable Raleigh has spoken truth to the moneyed power, advocating for those better answers — ones Raleigh residents have told us they want. They include: affordable housing that actually meets our growing needs, community engagement that restores and empowers grassroots democracy, and transparent local government that is less beholden to developers and more committed to environmental protection and Raleigh residents’ lives.

Tim Niles, Raleigh

Elections matter

Recent days have brought stunning Supreme Court decisions overturning long-standing precedents. I hope that everyone will realize that the only way to have our government institutions reflect our views is to vote. For those who don’t vote or don’t think their vote matters, please consider that if you do not express your views via the ballot box we will continue to have rule by the minority. It is chilling to think what this may mean for the future. The one thing everyone can do is to vote — vote in all elections.

Liz Scott, Raleigh


I have been a board certified obstetrician/gynecologist for over 40 years. Prior to Roe v. Wade, I saw many women enter the hospital critically ill after a “back alley abortion.” Sometimes they were so infected that efforts to save them were unsuccessful.

Even though abortions are safer now, do Americans really believe we should be the religious Taliban in this matter?

I feel uncomfortable with the issue of abortion, but I don’t feel I have the right to legally deny this process to a woman who feels it is the best solution for her. However, when a mother delays pregnancy interruption until the fetus is viable, then that baby deserves the right to grow in utero unless the mother’s life is in grave danger. When born, that baby should be honored with the freedom and liberties accorded any other American child.

I have been a registered independent for over 40 years and intensely dislike seeing either party use this issue as a political football that further divides us.

Philip Pearce, Durham


Now that several states in our country have outlawed or soon will outlaw abortion, I’m sure those states have made contraception readily available and free for all their citizens, right? Because all the legislators in those states believe women should be able to have control over their own lives, right?

Janice Huskey, Raleigh

GOP mantra

There was a time when the mantra of Republican party was getting government out of peoples’ lives. Yet, they are now intent on stripping individuals of the right to privacy.

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has already indicated a desire to reverse marriage equality and access to contraception, calling both decisions “errors.” Congressman Madison Cawthorn referred to women as “earthen vessels” to justify taking away their right to choose. Indiana Sen. Mike Braun suggested overturning the court’s decision on interracial marriage, then tried to walk it back.

Those who claim to support freedom and liberty should really reevaluate the direction in which our country is headed.

Mark Slattery, Raleigh

Beholden pols

It’s time for all politicians to be like race car drivers and professional golfers. They should all be wearing shirts, hats and jackets bearing the logos of all the companies they are beholden to.

Michael Eisenberg, Durham

Doubting my safety

Went with a friend to see a left-leaning comedian recently. To be honest, I was concerned. Thanks to the Supreme Court, gun manufacturers, far-right neo-fascist groups and Fox News, I’m starting to wonder if we’re safe — whether in a comedy club, grocery store, street fair or Kenan Stadium.

I can’t be the only one wondering “Is it time for me to buy a gun?” I’ve never owned a gun or wanted one, but the clown shows on Jones Street in Raleigh and Constitution Avenue in Washington don’t seem to have my — our — safety in mind.

So, we’ll continue to tolerate mass shootings, teenagers buying assault weapons and Gestapo-style groups intimidating children in local libraries.

Or, will we? Vote.

Mike Collins, Raleigh

Gun rights

It would appear that guns now have more rights than women.

Blair Tharrington, Raleigh

Under attack

The United States is under attack from a seditious criminal conspiracy within. The Department of Justice must aggressively prosecute, and jail, or at least remove from office, all public officials promoting the big lie that the 2020 presidential election was stolen. Failing to do so enables those officials to create a constitutional crisis in 2024, or worse.

M. B. Hardy, Raleigh
