Grandma's Kind Gesture Toward Newfoundland So He Can Relax with Her Is Everything

Roman Zaiets/Shutterstock

For most young adults, there comes a time when you're ready to live on your own. Whether that means having a room of your own or starting a whole new life across the country, independence can be downright exciting. And as fun as that stage of life is, many people find themselves preferring to stay close to family members in the long run--including dogs!

Chewy the Newfoundland is a family-oriented dog, to say the least. Whether he's welcoming his human siblings home from school or cuddling on the couch, he rarely misses a chance to chill with his people. But his favorite person to hang out with is his owner's grandma!

He frequently goes to her house (which is next door)just to relax for a while, but on February 27, his great-grandma surprised him with the sweetest gesture. Take a look!

Aww! These two have the cutest relationship, and I don't think that it will ever get old. This huge Newfoundland dog has a one-track mind when it comes to going to Great Grandma's house--as it should be--and now their hangouts can be easier than ever!

Related: Newfoundland Cuddles With His Grandma on the Couch in Absolutely Precious Video

Installing a fence is a simple and effective way to keep dogs in the yard, though it's not always simple to install a fence. But that's why there are professionals to help! Even so, Chewy's great-grandma went above and beyond for her four-legged friend, and her granddaughter (AKA Chewy's mom) will never forget that gesture.

And neither will the huge dog! As one commenter warned, this could be the first step in Grandma's master plan.

"My mom screened in her back porch for my cat," explained @courtneyfloyd26, "and put chicken wire across her gate to keep him safe. Now he lives with her. Beware." LOL! Chewy's mom better step up her game to make sure her boy doesn't have a new favorite!

Why Are Gentle Giants So Gentle?

There's no doubt that Chewy is a massive dog, so it can be a surprise to some people to see just how gentle he is with his great-grandma. But to others, this isn't a surprise at all. Newfoundland dogs are known as gentle giants, after all, and Chewy is no exception.

But how do large dogs (or any dogs really) know to be so gentle around certain people? This has to do with canine intuition and their incredibly strong senses. Dogs are able to use all kinds of information, such as scent, to tell a person's age and condition, which is why sensitive dogs are so much more tender with children, old folks, and (in the case of therapy dogs) those in the hospital.

It's clear that this Newfie has the intuition and gentleness part down, but if Chewy and his mom had more time to dedicate, he could be a wonderful therapy dog, too!

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