In good and in trying times, God provides regardless of earthly circumstances

John Lennon is my least favorite Beatle. But I digress − he and his wife Yoko Ono wrote an interesting song with a haunting melody called "Happy Xmas (War is Over)." One of the lines in this song is, "So this is Christmas; And what have you done? Another year over; And a new one just begun."

I write this column on Christmas Eve. The Browns are winning their game against Houston (wow!). In a while, we will head to Christmas Eve worship service, then our traditional Chinese dinner with family and friends at the Peking in downtown Ashland.

So what have we done? It’s pretty normal Christmas Eve. By the time you read this, we will be “in the gap” between Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.

Reid Firestone
Reid Firestone

But for me, this has not been a normal year. And it’s true; another year is (almost) over and a new one is just (about) begun. So what have I done? In a continued pattern of grieving the death of my first wife, Terri, I’ve been blessed with a new life with my wife, Julie. I attribute this not to my abilities, but to God’s ever-loving provision for me/us.

The Bible promises newness of life if we follow Jesus, whose birthday we just celebrated. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” Regardless of our earthly circumstances. Romans 8:18 tells us, “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” Regardless of our earthly circumstances. Revelation 21:5 gives us the promise, “I am making everything new!” Regardless of our earthly circumstances.

Reflect on the ongoing newness God provides

Four of my very best friends in the world have had life-altering accidents/health issues/surgeries this year. Granted, I am reminded we are not young anymore. But, it is sobering to consider these things. Yet, this old year is nearly over and a new one is about to begin. So, I choose to focus anew on the love God has for us, and the way He provides for us, regardless of our earthly circumstances.

Colossians 3:10 prods us to recall that we reflect on the ongoing newness we have in God our Creator. I would prod you to do the same … to recall that regardless of our earthly circumstances, God has our best interest in mind (Romans 8:28). He wants good for us (Jeremiah 29:11). Our strength is through Him and up for continued renewal (Isaiah 40:31).

It would do us well in this New Year (what will you do/have you done?) to consider our relationship with God and rely on Him for our strength – regardless of our earthly circumstances.A belated Merry Christmas and upcoming Happy New Year.

Reid Firestone, lead chaplain, Ashland Police Division.

This article originally appeared on Ashland Times Gazette: Focus anew on God's love as you welcome in the new year
