Goldie Hawn, 76, says weights and wine bottles are basically 'the same thing' in latest fitness post

Goldie Hawn, 76, took to Instagram on Monday to show off some easy-to-follow at-home workouts — complete with some vino improvisations.

“Hi everybody, this is 'Keep Your Mind Up Monday,' and I'm going to keep my mind up for exercise. Come with me,” Hawn said at the start of the video.

The First Wives Club star began her workout with a few jumps on her mini-trampoline but said bouncing in place would do just fine as well.

“So you can jump on your trampoline. If you don't have one just bounce up and down like this. Or if you want to jump, you can do this and it really is so great for your lymph system. Put your arms up, because when you do and work your arms and works your heart too, it's amazing,” declared Hawn.

She then went on to the weight-lifting portion of the workout, opting to use wine bottles in lieu of weights since they are the “same thing,” she said.

“And also, if you can't, if you don't have weights or anything, I just got a couple bottles of wine, you know, I just go up like that," she added, doing overhead presses with the bottles. "It's the same thing. It's great! You know, they both weigh about the same thing."

Hawn, who has been known to still rock a swimsuit and who has been called an "ageless icon" by daughter Kate Hudson, finished the workout with a brisk walk, quickly throwing it in reverse for the added cognitive benefits, she explained.

“Come on, let's go for a walk. So, you know, walking is the most important thing you can possibly do … And you know what? If you don't want to walk forward, you can always walk backward. Because when you walk backwards, you're using a whole different part of your brain. It's amazing. The only thing you have to wonder if there's any cars coming," she said, before hopping out of the way of a truck.

To wrap everything up, Hawn brought it to her mat for a quick cool-down and some calming breaths.

“Now, sit down," she said. "Cross your legs, take a deep breath and thank yourself for taking time for you to relax your body and have a great day."

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