Golden Retriever Throws Temper Tantrum After Being Put in Back Seat of the Car

Shutterstock/Kashaeva Irina

Does your pet like to go on car rides? Many dogs love to hit the road with their heads out the window, tongue wagging. Winston is a Golden Retriever who loves to go in the car with his humans, but he prefers to ride shotgun to the backseat.

In this video that was shared in February, Winston has no problem letting mom and dad know how upset he is to be riding in the backseat. Make sure your sound is up to hear his howls of protest and how he argues with his pawrents!

Talk about an epic fit! This reminds me of how my kids acted when they were toddlers! Winston was not having it...if mom loved him, she would've switched him spots! Even his face looked angry! I wonder if he got over it or if the temper tantrum continued for the whole car ride. Winston commenters got a kick out of his attitude. @Ruby and George laughed, "The sass! LOL! So cute!!!" @Lainey the Goldy Girl added, "He does not appreciate being put in backseat jail!" I totally get it! The best view is from the front seat!

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Tips for Taking Scared Dogs on Car Rides

Clearly Winston loves being in the car and even has a favorite spot in the car! But not all dogs like the car and in fact, some are afraid of getting in it. We had a West Highland Terrier who hated the car and cried anytime she had to get in it, it can be very frustrating to deal with! But there are some tips to help make it a little easier for both you and your fur baby.

The first tip is to see if your dog doesn't like the car because they get motion sick. Not all dogs vomit, but they do get nauseous. You can tell if they drool a lot or lick their chops. There are many products out there that help soothe upset tummies and make the whole experience a lot more enjoyable for your pup.

You can also create positive associations with the car. Put a very special treat in your dog's food bowl, show it to them, open the car door, and place the bowl inside. That's a pretty big incentive! You could also use a new toy or something else that motivates them as well. Then take a short ride around the block, giving another treat when they get out of the car.

If your dog will get in the car but paces or is nervous the whole time, there are calming aids that will help the to relax.

If the only time they get to go in the car is to go to the vet or groomer or another place they may not like, they associate the car with 'the bad place'. Make sure that you take them to other places that they enjoy, like the park, to get a Pup Cup, or to visit a friend as well!

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