Golden Retriever Puppy Overcome with Joy Upon Picking Up Brother From School

CC beltsazar/Shutterstock

You can always tell when your dog has a favorite person. They're not very subtle about it. In one family, their Golden Retriever's number one is their young son. As can be seen in a video of the pup practically spinning when they picked the boy up from school recently.

Little Lucky was so excited when they realized it was his little human they were picking up that day.

He probably had been waiting all day to see his favorite family member. It had been hours since they dropped him off at school. In the clip he was even sitting in the youngster's car seat while they were waiting for him to be dismissed. You can totally tell the instant he saw his "brother." His tail started wagging faster and faster and then he stood up and started whining. "Come herreeee," he seemed to say.

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The tail wags got even faster as the boy came close to the car. Lucky stood up on his hind legs and stuck his head out the window. He couldn't wait.

By the looks of it the child was just as happy to see the pup. He was smiling from ear-to-ear. Dad carefully entered the car first and held Lucky back while the boy got into the car and sat in his car seat. Once the door was shut, he let Lucky go and the two cuddled.

"Lucky’s first time picking Luke up from school, the excitement is just too sweet," the video's caption reads.

Why Goldens Make Wonderful Family Pets

We don't know about you, but this definitely pulled at our heartstrings. Goldens are just so precious. And Golden Retrievers make the perfect family pets.

As Lucky demonstrates, Golden Retrievers are loving and affectionate dogs. They're also gentle and are good with both children and other animals. These loyal pups are eager to please their owners and are therefore easy to train. They don't need a lot of grooming and are relatively low-maintenance, which is good for a family with busy schedules.

Goldens are also very active, they need lots of play to be happy. Young kids will love running around with a Golden. They'll run and jump and play around as much as kids do. Plus Goldens tend to "latch-on" to their humans, meaning your little one will have a constant companion.

As for Lucky, we have to imagine his bond with his human brother was immediate. These two are totally going to be best friends for life.

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