Golden Retriever Politely Reminds Mom He Can Help 'Recycle' in the Kitchen

Luc Brousseau/Shutterstock

Depending on how often you're in the kitchen, it can take a while before you get the hang of different culinary skills. It's even trickier to get a meal made when a child, a pet, or even a partner is watching your every move, but sometimes those extra helping hands (or paws) can actually be a good thing.

Just ask Ollie the Golden Retriever! This food-motivated boy found the perfect way to "help" his mom in the kitchen while still getting exactly what he wants. He's going to help her recycle food scraps, of course! He even demonstrated his skills in an April 19 TikTok video, and over 6 million people have enjoyed his helpful antics.

LOL--Thanks for the cooking tip, Ollie! Recycling is important on so many levels, but it's refreshing to see the ways it helps the Earth and its creatures firsthand. Instead of filling up the landfill, recycling food helps to fill up pups like this Golden Retriever!

Related: Golden Retriever Ordering His Own Meal at Food Truck Should Win an Award

"Now see, this is a trash bag that'll never get full!" commented one viewer. "That's a good investment! Did you get it on Amazon or something?" If only! This recycling bin is actually very expensive, and you can't simply go online and buy one. But once you do make the investment, it can last for years. Every kitchen needs one!

In all seriousness, though, feeding your dog kitchen scraps can be convenient when you're preparing ingredients your dog can share. This way, nothing goes to waste! Your buddy thinks they're getting an extra special dog treat, and you have one less thing to clean up later. That's what I'd call a win-win.

Feeding Your Dog Human Food

While many human foods, like fresh carrots, are healthy for your dog to eat, too, you need to do your research before sharing a bite with your furry friend. All it takes is one bite of the wrong thing to make your dog sick! Instead of tossing a bite their way every few minutes, take a second to research whether or not your ingredients are safe to feed your dog.

When feeding your dog any approved foods, make sure to cut the food into bite-sized pieces. Many hungry dogs are so excited to eat that they scarf down their meal! Smaller pieces reduce your dog's risk of choking, however, and they only take a few extra seconds to prepare.

While there may be a lot to think about when sharing food with your dog, it's worth it to keep your four-legged friend safe and healthy. Then, your furry recycling bin will be around for years to come!

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