Golden Retriever Finds a Squawking Baby Bird and Isn’t Sure What to Think of It
Walking your dog every day is something that they need for their mental and physical health. It's a nice change for them to get out of the house and find things out in the neighborhood that they might not otherwise ever come into contact with. Skye is a Golden Retriever who found something interesting out on a recent walk, and she wasn't sure what to think of it!
Skye stumbled upon a baby bird who was sitting alone in the grass. It was scared and hungry; squawking so it's mama can find it. Skye checks it out but doesn't get too close. You can tell she's trying to figure out what it is and why it's so noisy! The baby bird continues to yell, and finally Skye decides to bark back. Make sure your sound is on so you can hear the adorable exchange!
Skye couldn't decide whether she wanted to play with it or bark at it! Poor little bird. Skye's humans didn't share what happened to it, but I'm hoping it's mama found it and tried to get it back to safety. @Silver Thania had the same thought, "That’s baby bird is hungry! Maybe looking for mama who will come back to feed it." Skye was definitely curious about it and so gentle. What a sweet girl!
Related: Video of Bernese Mountain Dog Gently Cuddling Baby Birds Is So Touching
What To Do If You Find a Baby Bird
If you ever stumble across a baby bird that's all by itself, you might not be sure what to do with it. Do you leave it alone? Pick it up? Find the nest and put it back? Well, it depends.
If you find a bird that has little to no feathers and its eyes are still closed, it cannot take care of itself and needs your help. These birds are called nestlings and cannot survive on their own. Chances are there's a nest close by. Look around and see if you can find it - it might be well hidden - and gently place the bird back in it. Many of us were told that if you touch a baby bird, the parents will no longer care for it. That's a myth though, and All About Birds explains more, "parent birds do not recognize their young by smell. They will not abandon a baby if it has been touched by humans. If the nest has been destroyed you can make a new one, place the chick back inside and watch to see if the parents come back."
If the bird you find has its feathers and can hop and flit around, it's a fledgling. These are young birds who just left the nest and are learning to fly and care for themselves like the one in this video. These birds don't need any help, and its parents are probably flying all over keeping an eye on all of their babies. Chances are they'll be back soon to care for the little one.
In either case, try to keep your pets away from it. My dog recently found a nestling before I even noticed it and put it in her mouth before I could stop her. She dropped it, but it was too late for the little one. She didn't mean to hurt it; she was just trying to figure out what it was. If you find a baby bird, do what you can to keep pets away from it to avoid a similar situation.
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