Girl sends police DNA samples from carrots and half-eaten Oreo to prove Santa is real

Cumberland Police Department on Facebook

A young investigator submitted DNA samples she collected from cookies and carrots set out for Santa Claus and his reindeer in Rhode Island, and asked police to verify the evidence.

She sent in carefully-bagged samples of a half-eaten Oreo cookie and baby carrots that had been nibbled on, along with a handwritten note, Cumberland police wrote on Facebook. It reads:

“Dear Cumberland Police Department, I took a sample of a cookie and carrots that I left for Santa and the raindeer on Christmas Eve and was wondering if you could take a sample of DNA and see if Santa is real?”

Cumberland police responded on Facebook, saying Chief Matthew Benson “immediately instructed his Investigative Division to forward her evidence to the State of Rhode Island’s Department of Health-Forensic Sciences Unit for analysis,” to test for a possible match with “Santa Claus (aka, Kris Kringle, aka Saint Nicholas, aka St. Nick) and/or one of his nine reindeer.”

The department contacted the “future-CPD Detective and provided her with some already uncovered evidence in support of Santa Claus’ presence in her neighborhood” the night of Christmas Eve. They attached a surveillance photo of a reindeer in what looked like a front yard.

“This young lady obviously has a keen sense for truth and the investigative process and did a tremendous job packaging her evidence for submission,” officers wrote in the Facebook post. “We will do our very best to provide answers for her.”

A Facebook user who appeared to be the girl’s mother commented thanking the department.

“My Scarlett is going to be so thrilled that you are looking into “her case”!!!!!” the user wrote.

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