Giorgia Meloni threatens to fine school heads who scrap nativity plays

Ms Meloni’s Brothers of Italy party believes traditions are being undermined and need protection
Georgia Meloni’s Brothers of Italy party believes traditions are being undermined and need protection - Reuters/Remo Casilli

Giorgia Meloni has threatened to fine or discipline school principals who scrap nativity scenes and plays during the Christmas season.

The move to safeguard the Christmas tradition is outlined in a new bill introduced in the Senate on Wednesday by Senator Lavinia Mennuni from Ms Meloni’s hard-Right Brothers of Italy party.

The legislation also seeks to protect plays and other events connected to Christmas or Easter.

The nativity scene is a central element of the country’s Catholic heritage and cities such as Naples are famous for their creative interpretations of the classic scene. The Vatican nativity scene in St Peter’s Square is a big draw for pilgrims at Christmas.

The Brothers of Italy believes such culture is being undermined and needs protection.

“For some years now we have been witnessing unacceptable and embarrassing decisions by some school bodies to ban nativity scenes in schools,” Senator Mennuni said.

“It is absolutely fundamental to safeguard and protect our cultural roots of which the nativity scene is the perfect example.”

‘Profound meaning of humanity’

The bill specifically prohibits schools “from preventing initiatives promoted by parents, students, or competent school bodies, aimed at activities linked to traditional celebrations such as Christmas and Easter, such as the setting up of nativity scenes, plays and other events… in order to remember their profound meaning of humanity and the relationship that binds them to Italian national identity”.

The legislation was criticised by political opponents, unions and principals.

Gianna Fracassi, secretary-general of CGIL, Italy’s largest trade union, said: “Everyone must remember that we live in a secular country, school is secular. Actions like this which interfere, among other things, with the autonomy of schools, are not acceptable.”

Attilio Fratta, president of DirigentiScuola, which represents school principals, dismissed the law as a “joke” because it was so poorly defined. “We are dealing with measures that are only useful for diverting the attention of Italians from the real problems of our schools and country,” he said.

The law is the latest attempt by the Meloni government to dominate the nation’s culture wars. Since it was elected in 2022, the government has sought to defend the traditional family and national identity, protect cultural heritage and restrict migrant arrivals.

It also made it harder for same-sex couples to register their children, a move that drew condemnation from the European Parliament.

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