Giant Turkey Attacks Woman’s Car Like a Boss Leaving It Covered in Scratches
There are some things that you've just got to see to believe, and this turkey attacking a car on a Boston street is one of them! Alicia Mastroianni was shocked when she walked outside to get into her car and head to work and found her car covered in scratches. She noticed a note on the windshield and found that a neighbor could explain what had happened to the car; a turkey had attacked her car for 15 minutes!
The neighbor - who tried to scare the bird off - recorded the incident as it happened. The turkey sees itself in the car's reflection and continuously attacks the 'other' bird. What a random thing to happen!
The turkey did so much damage! Alicia wasn't happy about the situation but took it with a grain of salt. She said in her caption, "Moves to Boston. Gets car attacked by a turkey. Was not on my list of things to be prepared for in the city..." I don't think most people could prepare for something like this! Not all turkeys hate cars though; check out this video of a turkey enjoying a ride in the car just like a dog!
Of course, the video went viral and has nearly 8 million views and over 15 thousand comments. @Sarah Johnston got almost 240 thousand likes when she said, "I would’ve never believed this without the video!!! Shout out to that person!" @Karen Wilson's comment made me laugh, "turKEYED' the car!"- my 12-year-old." and @Rochelle Y added, "Not sure what insurance coverage there is for car 'turkey attacks' LMAOOO!!!" And I couldn't agree more with @Cayla who said, "If Farmers Insurance doesn’t pick this up for their next commercial…" this would fit one of their commercials perfectly!
Related: Turkey Who Adores Car Rides Just Like a Dog Is Too Cute to Resist
More About the Turkey Attacking Incident
While this incident happened on July 15th, it's only taken the internet by storm over the last few days. People Magazine reported on something funny that was included in the neighbor's note but not visible in the video. The neighbor said, "Sorry you were the target of this turkey rage."
People also said, "The Massachusetts Environmental Police told the news outlet that the turkey may have acted aggressively because it saw its own reflection in the car's metallic exterior and thought it was a rival animal. The agency said people can protect their own cars by covering them or making noise to scare away any offending turkeys." The neighbor said they didn't have any luck when they tried to scare the turkey away. I guess it was too focused on attacking that other bird!
Fortunately, this story has a happy ending. Because the neighbor captured the whole incident, Mastroianni was able to send proof to her insurance company because nobody would've ever believed her story without it! People reported that the damage will be covered under her policy. If nothing else, she now has a great story to tell at parties!
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