Gayle King Asks, “What Will Bring You Happiness Right Now?”

Photo credit: CBS Photo Archive - Getty Images
Photo credit: CBS Photo Archive - Getty Images

After two and a half years of avoiding Covid, I tested positive—despite being double vaxxed and double boosted. I have to admit, I was very thrown. Intellectually, I knew that because I am vaccinated, I’d likely be safe. Even still, I’d wake up in the middle of the night to make sure I could still take deep breaths. I knew logically that I would be okay, but it still really threw me for a loop.

When the pandemic started, I remember thinking that if we could just get through the summer, it would all be okay. Then it was if we could just get through the holidays. I didn’t leave my house for a hundred and five days.

But eventually, I’ve begun to face the reality that we may be living with this in our world for a long time. We have to find ways to safely go on and get on with life. That means different things for different people. Maybe it means going to a movie theater or getting on a plane for the first time. Think about what you’ve been missing but putting off and figure out if there’s a way to do those things in a manner that makes you feel comfortable.

It’s time to switch from survival mode to thriving mode. Think about what makes you happy. I like going to warm, pretty places, so I am going to figure out where I want to go on vacation. What do you look forward to doing most?

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