The Garden Guy: Here comes the Fairytrail Bride Hydrangea, all dressed in cascading white

Fairytrail Bride has a cascading habit suited for the front of the border, draping a wall and dazzling in a container.
Fairytrail Bride has a cascading habit suited for the front of the border, draping a wall and dazzling in a container.

Boy, have I got a fairytrail for you gardeners about an incredible new hydrangea. That sounds so funny and you are probably thinking a horticulturist is about to tell you a tall tale about a hydrangea that doesn’t exist. This column however, is about an award-winning hydrangea that does exist, and it is called the Fairytrail Bride Cascade Hydrangea.

That pretty much tells you what is so special about this hydrangea; it cascades. Jason Reeves, horticulturist with the University of Tennessee summarizes one other thing in horticultural terms. This flowering plant is a breakthrough in that Fairytrail Bride has the ability to produce flowers from every leaf joint. For the gardener this means a long, extended season of bloom.

It has a complex heritage or DNA with a lot of Hydrangea macrophylla. You will quickly notice a mophead and lacecap look. It blooms on old wood, so pruning is not recommended other than a deadheading-type removal of spent blooms. While pH plays a role in coloration of mophead hydrangeas, it does not affect Fairytrail Bride.

Fairytrail Bride produces large white blossoms accompanied by smaller white fertile flowers, the source of delight by visiting bees, butterflies and hummingbirds.
Fairytrail Bride produces large white blossoms accompanied by smaller white fertile flowers, the source of delight by visiting bees, butterflies and hummingbirds.

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It is recommended for zones 7-9, though I am seeing some stretching to zone 6. This means in colder zones you are most likely growing in a container and protecting in some manner, moving to a garage, putting under the house where many toss their banana trees and elephant ears in cold snaps.

Container growing allows the cascading look to be enjoyed to the max. Can you just imagine a four-foot tall and wide cascading white hydrangea? (Also gives you the idea of name origination.) But certainly, containers aren’t the only application. Fairytrail Bride excels at the front of the border and drapes over a wall.

Fairytrail Bride needs some sun to perform its best. In fact, morning sun and afternoon shade would be ideal. The Garden Guy was weak of heart when it came to this recommendation, and I can tell I need to be bold and move them. Neighbor Dave and his bride Cynthia accepted this recommendation on blind faith.

Need a partner for your bigleaf hydrangea, then look no further than the pristine white Fairytrail Bride Cascade Hydrangea. It will reach 4-feet tall and as wide.
Need a partner for your bigleaf hydrangea, then look no further than the pristine white Fairytrail Bride Cascade Hydrangea. It will reach 4-feet tall and as wide.

So, I was stunned while visiting a couple of days ago. Fairytrail Bride was right next to a huge pink blooming hydrangea that was a rescue from the HOA neighborhood entrance. They had also partnered with large native ferns and had just planted some butterfly gingers, Hedychium coronarium. His bed was like a resort while mine said, you blew it big guy.

Dave also did one other thing that is vital. He fertilized in early April with a general purpose, slow release fertilizer and will do so again after the last blooms have faded. Evidently Dave reads and follows directions better than his neighbor. These hydrangeas need fertile, well drained soil. Their roots are shallow so mulch really pays dividends for a lush healthy plant.

Not every hydrangea is as well suited to attracting pollinators as Fairytrail Bride. You will notice the huge white blossoms so reflective of light and the subject of your photos is accompanied by the small fertile flowers that become the delight of bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. A side note to brides this looks like the perfect or ultimate plant for May and June weddings, outdoors and indoors, too. Finally, a note to gardeners, get yours soon, planting season is here.

Follow Norman Winter on Facebook @NormanWinterTheGardenGuy for more photos and garden inspiration. See more columns by Norman at

This article originally appeared on Savannah Morning News: Here comes the Fairytrail Bride Hydrangea, all dressed in cascading white
