Funny Bengal Cat Calls His Mom a 'Cow' After Naptime Is Over
Cats are expressive animals. You'll know when they're happy with you...and when they're not. One person swears that their cat is trying to communicate with them. But the cat mom isn't sure what to make of it every time her cat calls her "cow."
We already have so many questions. Has the cat ever seen a cow before? Is the name a good thing or bad? How in the world did a cat learn to say the word "cow?"
The mind boggles! Thankfully, the bengal cat's mama shared video evidence of it happening so we can all investigate. The clip she shared shows the cat, Prince, chilling on his cat tower. The cat mom just wanted a little attention, but sadly her cat was sort of in a mood.
Related: Bengal Cat Expertly Opening Every Cabinet and Drawer Is a 'Raccoon in Disguise'
"Prince," she cooed
"Cow," he replied.
"What?" his mom answered, before Prince once again called his mom a cow.
The whole thing is so perplexing. Although we did get a clue into Prince's mind in the video's text overlay.
"My cat calls me a cow every time I wake him up," his mom explained. Oh well that explains it. We've all woken up a little angry in the morning, haven't we?
People in the comments section were cracking up. Some even had their own ideas of what Prince was saying. "It kinda sounds like Cartman saying Kyle," wrote one person, speaking of the potty-mouthed kids from South Park. "Naw he's saying 'kill' with a southern accent," one commenter added. "I have never heard a cat pronounced the letter C that clearly," someone else marveled. "Somewhere in a field there's a cow saying 'cat,'" one person joked.
Can Cats Talk?
Cats make all sorts of noises (don't even get us started about how scary it is when they hiss), but can they chat with us humans? Sadly, cats can't be trained to talk like certain kinds of birds can. But they do express themselves. Cats will usually communicate with humans in several different ways. One of which is by meowing or purring.
Another way that cats "talk" is through their body language and habits. For example, a cat with an arched back is usually telling you to back off. This means they feel threatened or scared, so it's best to leave them alone. If a cat has been particularly affectionate and has been rubbing against you more than usual, that means they love you. Awww, pretty sweet, right? We're still not sure what "cow" means, although we'd like to think it probably translates to something close to "five more minutes of sleep, please!"
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