French Bulldog Sitting in Traffic Can’t Stop Ranting About It

Jeppe Mønster/Unsplash

If there's one thing that nobody likes to do, it's sit in traffic. Having spent the majority of my life living in Southern California it's something that I know all too well, and I'm sure at one point or another I probably sounded like Walter, the French Bulldog in this video shared in mid-May.

Walter is taking a ride in the car, something he loves to do. The problem though is that they're stuck in traffic, something Walter does not like at all. Make sure your sound is on so that you can hear Walter ranting about the predicament they're in and how mom tries to explain to him that there's nothing she can do to fix it.

We get it, Walter! There's nothing worse than having to sit in traffic, especially when it's at a standstill. I love in the caption that Walter's mom wrote, "Thick thighs, thin patience"'s a very accurate description of him! I wasn't the only one who knows the feeling that Walter was feeling. @Runiscribe speaks for us all with, "Walter and I have similar thoughts about traffic. LOL!" and @johnconnellyjr added, "I agree Walter, people can't drive." I agree with @Kyrra who said, "My fave part was when he went “wrararara” (the whole thing)!" and @Maria Luisa is spot on with, "Walter is always complaining about something haha!! He’s so cute!"

Related: Drivers Stop Traffic on Busy Los Angeles Freeway to Capture Dog Running Loose

Are French Bulldogs and Pugs the Same?

Every time I watch one of Walter's videos, people always ask if he's a French Bulldog or a Pug. I get it! The two do look very similar - until you see them side by side. If you do a quick Google search for a picture of the two of them together, the first difference that you'll probably notice is their ears. Pugs have rounded, floppy ears while Frenchies have “bat ears” that stand naturally straight up and are much larger than their heads. Their tails are also different; French Bulldogs' tails are short and straight while Pugs have adorable curly, pig-like tails.

Another key difference that you can't see are their energy levels. Frenchies are known for their athleticism and Pugs are a more mellow breed. For as loud as Walter is, believe it or not Pugs tend to be louder and more vocal. Frenchies are spunky and like to be the boss, which means that they may be less compatible with other pets or small children. They also don't live as long as Pugs; they live an average of 9-11 years while Pugs can live 12-14 years.

French Bulldogs have been the favorite dog breed for the last couple of years according to the American Kennel Club. While one of these dog breeds is not "better" than the other, one might be better suited for your family and lifestyle. Make sure to do your research before deciding on the pet that's right for you.

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