How Do You Freeze Fresh Blueberries? Here's What You Need to Know

how to freeze blueberries
The Best Way to Freeze Fresh BlueberriesQwart - Getty Images

Fresh summer blueberries are bursting with flavor! Whether you find them at your local U-pick farm or farmer’s market—or even grow blueberries in your own backyard—the small, yet mighty berries are best when they’re found in peak season. Of course, you can get blueberries in supermarkets throughout the year, but they’re not always as sweet or juicy as those July through August berries. So, if you want to preserve that summer flavor, your best option is putting your freezer to work. With just a few simple steps, you can freeze fresh blueberries to use throughout the year.

But how do you freeze blueberries the right way? Here, we’ve complied all the tips and tricks you need for stocking your freezer, including the best food containers to use and how to ensure your blueberries don’t turn into one giant ice clump. But don’t worry, it’s easy to do. And the best part is—you’ll be able to make your favorite blueberry recipes any time you want! Toss them into a refreshing smoothie, stir them into a baked berry oatmeal, or even bake them into a blueberry crumble. The options are all berry good!

And once you know how to freeze blueberries, check out our tips for how to freeze strawberries and how to freeze peaches, too!

What is the best way to freeze fresh blueberries?

While it might be tempting to just toss all your blueberries into a zip-top bag and throw it in the freezer, that actually isn’t the best way to freeze them. The result will be a clumpy, icy block of blueberries that are difficult to use. Instead, follow the steps below for the best way to freeze blueberries:

  1. Sort through your blueberries to remove any mushy berries, then spread them out in a single layer on a parchment-lined baking sheet. (Make sure they’re not touching so they don’t clump together.)

  2. Place the baking sheet in the freezer until the berries are fully solid, about 2 to 3 hours, or overnight.

  3. Transfer the blueberries to a resealable freezer bag that’s been labelled and dated, then immediately return to the freezer. They’ll last in the freezer for up to 6 months!

how to freeze blueberries
Qwart - Getty Images

Do blueberries have to be washed before freezing?

No! Blueberries do not need to be washed before freezing. In fact, many people prefer not to wash blueberries before because the berries have a natural waxy coating on them (called “bloom”) that helps to prevent mold and freezer burn. Just remember that you’ll need to wash your berries after they’re thawed.

If you do wash your blueberries before freezing them, that’s fine, too. Just be sure the berries are completely dry before you place them in the freezer.

What is the best container to freeze blueberries?

Zip-top freezer bags are a great option for freezing blueberries because they stack up easily and don’t take up too much space, but really any air-tight container will do.

How do I thaw blueberries?

Many recipes don’t even require thawing blueberries before use—just rinse them under cold water and use them for smoothies or your favorite muffins! If you do need to thaw them, you can always place your frozen berries in the refrigerator to slowly thaw overnight or place them in a bowl and cover with cold water, then drain and use.

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