Fred Armisen Gives Jimmy Fallon A Musical Master Class On Global Guitar Styles

Comedian and musician Fred Armisen didn’t need a passport as he traveled through international guitar styles during a “Tonight Show” appearance on Friday.

Armisen, the bandleader for “Late Night With Seth Meyers,” which airs on NBC after “The Tonight Show,” broke out his guitar to showcase his renditions of artists in Australia, England and other countries.

The musician has previously impersonated musicians’ playing styles to a T on Fallon’s show, and his most recent appearance was nothing short of perfect.

Armisen began his international impersonations bit with a light jab at Australian musicians.

“[They play] minor chords into major chords really quickly,” he said before starting to sing with a wide mouth and strum his guitar.

“Don’t go around here anymore, anymore. Don’t go around here anymore, anymore.”

He later transitioned into mocking guitarists in England.

“It’s very syncopated,” he said as he began to play.

“I saw her by the river bend. A statuesque silhouette.”

You can watch Armisen’s fusion of comedy and music starting around the 3:44 mark in the video below.

Armisen also joined Fallon for a “Freezer Secrets” segment where the two got some skeletons out of their closet.

You can watch the two trade jokes about everything from Pope Francis’ Big Gulp cup to “the regular family they don’t like” below.

This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.

