Former Miss USA hosts gender reveal that shocks her family with unexpected news

When former Miss USA Nia Sanchez invited friends and family over to her house, guests knew they were coming for a gender reveal. What they didn't know is that it would be a two-act show.

Sanchez, 33, and husband, actor Daniel Booko, had battled infertility before welcoming son Asher, 1. So they were elated to find out they were expecting again and wanted to share the moment with their favorite people.

The California couple invited around 20 people to their house to reveal their baby's gender in mid-February 2023.

In a now-viral video, Sanchez and Booko, 39, are standing in front of their guests holding a balloon that says "Baby Booko is...".

Sanchez pops the balloon and pink confetti, indicating a baby girl, rains down on the couple while their loved ones cheer.

The California couple are parents to son, Asher, 1. (Courtesy Nia Sanchez)
The California couple are parents to son, Asher, 1. (Courtesy Nia Sanchez)

But they weren't finished.

"I have a surprise and something I want to show you guys," Booko says in the video while walking away.

The video pans to party guests with confused looks on their faces, before Booko returns with a second balloon.

"Baby Booko #2 is..." the balloon reads as you see guests cover their mouths in shock and hear them cheer.

"We're having twins!" Booko shouts before counting down and popping the second balloon alongside Sanchez, revealing more pink confetti.

"The doctor said fraternal twins are genetic, but identical twins are like magic," Booko says as the emotional video ends.

At the time of publication, the video has amassed nearly two million views and more than 58,000 likes.

Sanchez tells the couple tried for a year and a half before conceiving their son.

"We did three rounds of IUI and decided to take some time off because it wasn't working," she explains. "We were doing fertility acupuncture and got pregnant in the second month of doing that."

After Sanchez gave birth to Asher, she tells that she got some upsetting news from her doctor.

"I went back (to the doctor) to have my numbers tested for how many eggs I have left in my body and the number was scary low," she says, adding her doctor recommended freezing her remaining eggs immediately. "It made me cry."

Five months after that appointment, Sanchez found out she was pregnant.

"This time around, there were no fertility treatments," she says. "I was just hoping the baby was healthy and OK."

But Sanchez and Booko got another surprise during a doctor's visit.

"Our doctor was just so casual. She said, 'And as you can see here, you’re having twins'," Sanchez explains of having identical twin girls. "Twins were not even on our radar, (because) it was hard for us to get pregnant in the first place and there are no twins in our family."

Despite a "rough" first trimester, Sanchez, who will deliver this summer, says she is excited.

"I’m trying to soak up the good feeling," she says. "And enjoy the right now."

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