You've Been Cooking Eggs All Wrong

You've Been Cooking Eggs All Wrong

Eggs can be scrambled, fried, boiled and baked. They're not just a quintessential brunch food, but they can be enjoyed any time of day, as a dinner or even a filling snack.

Because eggs are such a versatile ingredient, it's easy to become overwhelmed with choices when it comes to preparing them—and trying out a new style of cooking eggs doesn't always end well. So we've scoured the web for the best hacks so you'll never have to worry about dropping an egg shell in the mix again.

Check out the slideshow above for the best egg hacks.

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More from Kitchen Daily:
Are Egg Yolks Good or Bad For You?
The Best Way to Peel a Hard-Boiled Egg
How to Make Delicious Scrambled Eggs
