Super Bowl Party with My Farm Rich Buddies

Super Bowl Party with My Farm Rich Buddies

If you know anything about me, you know that I couldn't care less about the world of sports. And it's not because I despise watching hunks toss around the pigskin or anything like that (because let's be real - that's hot) but I honestly don't even look towards the TV because there are far more important things to worry about. Like what, you ask? Like creating a super boss spread for all your friends to gather around while the game is on! And yeah, don't get me wrong, I like the standard dip-centered parties just as much the next gal, but seriously dudes, enough of the same old thing ¬- let's get creative here with our party spreads! So this year, instead of putting out the simple guac and chips, let's do something fun and exciting.... Like say, this here MEATBALL PARTY!

So for this party, you can either create the spread yourself or you can ask your buds to bring over a few surprise ingredients like crazy condiments, cheeses, and breads and watch the fun unravel before your very eyes! For my big day, I focused the party around Farm Rich's turkey meatballs because not only are they super tasty but they're also totally easy to prepare. They take ALL the prep-work out of packin' meatballs and I couldn't be more thankful for that. Along with the pre-cooked Farm Rich turkey meatballs, I laid out a bunch of random things that I thought would complement the meat. There was cooked spaghetti, pesto, marinara, yellow curry, cherry peppers, banana peppers, basil, parmesan, cheddar, mozzarella, capers, roasted peppers, baguettes, rolls, sliced bread, butter, and of course, a ton of butter!

After I presented the gorgeous spread, I handed out plates and let everyone use their creative juices to make something that was personalized and unique for them. I also set up the panini press because I knew that my friends would expect some grilled cheese goodness from me. So now, it's time for me to show you some of my favorite creations.

Check out the slideshow above for great sandwich ideas for game day!

For the full post, visit Grilled Cheese Social.

Compensation for this post was provided by Farm Rich via AOL Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Farm Rich or AOL.
