Smoked and Cured Salmon with Orange Zest

Serving size:2
Total Time:
Smoked and Cured Salmon with Orange Zest


  • 1 2-pound center-cut salmon fillet
  • 21/2 tbsp kosher salt
  • 2 tbsp light brown sugar
  • 1 tsp ground coriander
  • 1 finely grated zest of 1 orange
  • 2 tbsp vodka


Assemble the smoker by spreading 1/2 cup small, dry hardwood chips over the bottom of the smoker, then place the drip tray and rack directly on the chips. (To jury-rig a smoker, line a wok or disposable aluminum baking pan with heavy-duty foil and spread with dry wood chips; top with another layer of foilto catch drips and a rack. Cover the wok or pan by sealing it tightly with a lid or sheet of foil.)


In a well-ventilated area, set the smoker over high heat. After 1 minute, when smoke rises from all sides, put the salmon on the rack, skin side down. Cover and smoke for 20 seconds. Move off the heat; smoke for 30 seconds longer.

Set the salmon, skin side up, in a glass baking dish. Mix the salt, brown sugar, coriander and orange zest; rub the spice mix and the vodka over both sides of the salmon. Cover and refrigerate for 3 days, turning daily.


Rinse the salmon fillet and pat dry. Using a sharp knife, thinly slice the salmon on an angle, cutting toward the tail, and serve.