Pancakes (Crepes) with Cinnamon Sugar

Serving size:40
Prep Time:
Total Time:
Pancakes (Crepes) with Cinnamon Sugar

There is no better time (other than when it’s raining) to make pancakes with cinnamon sugar, than over a weekend. And if it’s a rainy weekend, well then you’ve hit the jackpot. Make them with your kids and eat on the couch while watching movies. Instant wonderful memories, guaranteed! Have a wonderful weekend!


  • 2 cup caster sugar
  • 3 tbsp ground cinnamon


  1. Mix everything together, beating well to ensure there are no lumps. Allow to stand for 15-20 minutes covered.
  2. When you are ready to bake the pancakes, mix the batter again and if it’s too thick, add a bit more water. It needs to be quite thin, only a little thicker than pouring cream.You’ll see if you bake the first few if the batter is too thick, the pancakes need to be very thin and almost lace-like.
  3. Heat the pan and spray with cooking spray and add 1 teaspoon of oil.
  4. Add ladle-fulls of the batter to the pan and allow to cook before flipping. Keep the pancakes warm on a plate set over a pot of simmering water.
  5. When you’re ready to serve, sprinkle some of the cinnamon sugar over the pancakes and roll up.
  6. Serve with fresh lemon wedges.

Read more from Simply Delicious.