Bourbon Bacon Pancakes

Serving size:8
Bourbon Bacon Pancakes

I really needed an excuse to buy bourbon, you see. Scratch that — I really needed an excuse to make pancakes. Fancy pancakes. Pancakes with pizazz. And what better way to give your pancakes pizzazz than to mix them with bourbon (yum) and bacon (double yum)? There is no better way.

These pancakes aren’t as good as they look. They’re better. Like in an “oh-my-gosh-I-could-eat-that-whole-stack-of-pancakes-topped-with-12-pieces-of-bacon-and-a-gallon-of-syrup-right-now” kind of way. Like in an “I-need-to-unbutton-the-top-button-of-my-pants-at-breakfast” kind of way. Like in a “these-are-so-indulgent-that-I-feel-like-I’m-sinning-just-eating-them” kind of way. Just looking at them seems like a sin — a tasty, delicious, syrupy, bacon-y and bourbon-y sin. The kind of sin that makes you forget that you just had 100 proof alcohol and your daily fat/calorie intake at breakfast. Whatever. They’re too good to worry about such trivial things.


  • 1/2 cup maple syrup
  • 1 tbsp bourbon


  1. In a large bowl, combine flours, sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Whisk in buttermilk, butter, eggs, vanilla and bourbon and mix until the batter is smooth and free of lumps.
  2. Ladle 1/4-cupfuls of batter onto a hot buttered skillet and cook until bubbly. Flip over and cook until a deep golden brown on the bottom.
  3. To make the syrup, heat maple syrup and bourbon in a small saucepan until warm. Pour over pancakes and use crumbled bacon for topping.

Yields: about 8 to 12 regular pancakes or 2 to 3 dozen silver dollar-size pancakes

Recipe courtesy of Food Network Magazine


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