The leftovers guide: 10 things to do with leftover burgers and hot dogs

The leftovers guide: 10 things to do with leftover burgers and hot dogs

Hot dogs and hamburgers are the quintessential American food for weekend summer BBQs. That being said, there are almost always leftover franks and patties after these summer parties, and most of the time, these extras are thrown out. We get it; sometimes you've had enough and you're not exactly looking forward to an old, reheated cheeseburger for lunch the next day.

Still, we always advocate finding new ways to use leftovers rather than just throwing them out. To help you waste less (and save some money along the way), we have come up with 10 unexpected ways to use your summer barbecue leftovers during the week. Make sure that your hamburgers and hot dogs have not been sitting out for over two hours (one hour if it is hotter than room temperature) before saving!

Check out the slideshow above for our summer barbecue leftovers guide!

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