KD Finds: Eco-Chic Kitchen Picks


Every week, the editors here at Kitchen Daily share our must-haves in the world of food. In celebration of Earth Week, we're unearthing our favorite eco-friendly finds for the kitchen.

With a growing public consciousness of the journey our food takes from the farm to our plates, it's increasingly important for food purveyors and gourmands alike to be socially responsible at every step of the way. We at Kitchen Daily encourage a commitment to eco-friendly living (however small) to protect our planet's resources. There are many ways to act green, such as updating your kitchen with energy-efficient appliances or shopping at your local farmer's market to source local and organic food.

This week's KD Finds showcases five green ideas along with five eco-chic products that can help you do your part. Check out our slideshow above to discover our picks to help the planet.

More articles about green living:

A Guide To Indoor Gardening
Digging for Dinner: A Dumpster Diving Concept Restaurant
