KD Finds: Anne Burrell's Best Bets


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From her signature golden tresses down to her mis-matched socks, chef Anne Burrell's personal style is confident and comfortable. Anne shares this philosophy in the kitchen workspace as well; her work hosting television shows like Worst Cooks in America and Secrets of a Restaurant Chef and her newest cookbook Own Your Kitchen share a common philosophy of empowering home cooks to become masters of their own kitchen.

To find out what every home chef-in-training needs to start their journey to owning their own kitchens, we asked Chef Anne Burrell for her kitchen essentials. This week, she takes over KD Finds to share five things in the kitchen that she finds irreplaceable. Discover one mechanical kitchen device that she says "most cooks can't live without," and what knife brand she trusts to stay sharp in the kitchen.

Check out the slideshow above to discover the five best bets in the kitchen according to Chef Anne Burrell.
