Ice Cream Sandwich Cookies

Ice Cream Sandwich Cookies

Every year, when spring break rolls around, all of us are ready for well - a break. Until then it is go go go with dance classes, school, work, after school activities, and everything else that a family of 4 has to do. Pure craziness I tell ya! Sometimes one has to wonder how we get it all done. In my opinion, coffee has a lot to do with it but that is a whole other post.

Fortunately, all of the craziness comes to a halt the Friday before spring break. It is fantastic!

I wanted my kids and husband to come home to a very special after school treat that day. I knew they would be ready to put their feet up and begin their spring break staycation as soon as they walked in the door! As I went through the fun snack file in my mind I tried to pick something that would be a nice welcomed surprise for an after school snack. It was spring break after all and I wanted something that celebrated the next 7 days off.

Check out the slideshow above to see what Kitchen Daily curator Skinny Mom's Kitchen made for her family!

This is a collaboration between Quaker and the Kitchen Daily Curator Network. Compensation was provided by Quaker via AOL Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Quaker.
