How to Get Smells and Stains Out of Tupperware

How to Get Smells and Stains Out of Tupperware

Easy to store, economical, and available in a bevy of sizes and shapes, reusable plastic storage containers are an indispensable part of every modern pantry. The newly popular glass storage containers are also a great (and more eco-friendly) option, but they aren't as widespread -- and they're a bit pricier.

Whether you use Tupperware or its numerous brethren, these sturdy, lightweight containers are ideal for storing food in the fridge and for takeaway lunches; but they can also be a headache to store and clean. So as the back-to-school season carries on, we've investigated the best ways to keep your plastic containers clean, odor-free, and ready for everything from PB&Js to grain salads to wintry soups.

Check out the slideshow above to learn how to remove stains and smells from Tupperware.

Smart Storage, Part 1
Smart Storage, Part 2
Recipes for Our Storage & Organization Collection

This article originally appeared on Food52: How to Get Smells and Stains Out of Tupperware.
