How To Baste A Turkey

How To Baste A Turkey

Thanksgiving is fast approaching and you know what that means...

Turkey! Lots and lots of turkey. Even if the bird isn't your favorite part of the meal, it's important to know how to baste it properly, so you can focus on baking pumpkin pie or whipping up the perfect buttery mashed potatoes. We've got all your basting questions answered to make your Thanksgiving feast as seamless as possible.

What is basting?

Basting is the process of making turkey delicious. Just kidding (kind of), but basting a process that moistens the surface of roasted meat with either stock, butter, leftover drippings from the pan or another type of liquid.

Why baste a turkey?

Basting can enhance the taste of the meat by keeping the roast moist or adding flavor the the meat's surface.

What ingredients does turkey basting require?

Basting doesn't require any specific tools -- besides an oven and a roasting turkey! -- but you may use liquids like butter, liquids from the meat or a combination of the two to baste the turkey.

Which tools does turkey basting require?

Using specific tools like a bulb baster or a basting brush will make basting easier, but you can always use a spoon or cup. Keeping a timer or clock handy will help you to keep track of how long the turkey.

How much basting does a roast turkey need?

Basting the turkey every 30 minutes is a safe bet to keep the bird from overcooking.
