Global Sugar Consumption is Pretty Shocking

Global Sugar Consumption is Pretty Shocking

It's hard to say no to something sweet. That's because sugar can be pretty addictive. Studies have found that the part of the brain that lights up when on cocaine, also lights up when consuming sugar. So it should come as no surprise that people around the world consume a lot of the sweet stuff.

The World Health Organization recommends eating no more than 25 grams of sugar per day, which is about equivalent to one Hershey's chocolate bar, or six and a quarter teaspoons. So how much are we actually eating? The video above explores the average amounts of sugar consumption in ten different countries.

China consumes about 33 grams of sugar per day, which is higher than the recommended average, but the lowest number on this list. China is followed by India with 58 grams a day, Indonesia with 62 grams a day and Pakistan with 62 grams a day.

The United States consumes 90 grams of sugar per day, which is about equivalent to three and a half Snickers bars. It may be a surprise, but Americans aren't consuming the most in the world. That honor goes to Brazil! Brazil consumes a whopping 152 grams of sugar per day, six times more sugar than the World Health Organization's recommendation. According to Buzzfeed, it would take a 156-pound person 6.8 miles to burn off that much sugar.

Watch the video above to discover the shocking amounts of sugar consumed around the globe.

Image Credit: Getty Images
