Crazy Ways to Get Your Caffeine Fix


While a double-shot of espresso might be just the thing to snap us out of our midday lulls (and post-lunch food comas), the world seems to have other plans.

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Since before the new millenium, caffeine-laced food and drink products have been on the rise, most notably with energy drinks targeted toward hyperactive teenagers everywhere. Now, the energy drink industry is expected to be worth $21.5 billion by 2017, jumping from $12.5 billion in 2012.

The caffeine influx doesn't stop there; the stimulant has infiltrated all sorts of products, from candy to gum to alcohol. But let's not get too crazy, guys; the Mayo Clinic says that 200 to 300 milligrams of caffeine a day isn't harmful for most adults, but more than 500 milligrams can cause some complications.

So to help you figure out just how to replace a daily cup of coffee, we've rounded up nine crazy ways to get your caffeine fix, comparing them to a standard cup of coffee (85 milligrams) so you can get your fill of candy or hot sauce with a little jolt to power through.

Check out the slideshow above to discover nine crazy ways to get your caffeine fix without coffee or tea.

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