Best Frozen Drinks


Get out of here with your hot cocktails. No more warm saké or steaming spiked cider because, despite what Mother Nature's forecast is saying, summer is here.

And while you can't go wrong with a summer beer, or even a mocktail for goodness sake, we're opting for something that screams warm weather no matter where you are: frozen drinks. Ice cold, often fruity, and always refreshing, this is the recipe for a solid summer's day, afternoon, or night.

Always fans of throwing a wrench into the traditional, we're suggesting you get creative with these unconventional summer recipes. Try trading coconut for berries, whiskey for rum, and lemon for a hint of peach.

It's been a long winter and you owe yourself a drink, so start off the season by checking out our eight picks for this summer's best cocktail recipes and get blending.

Check out the slideshow above for eight summer recipes for the best frozen drinks.

The 7 Best Summer Beers
The Best Frozen Cocktails
6 Best Mocktail Recipes

More from Kitchen Daily:
Frozen Boozy Desserts
14 Summer Gin Drinks
Americans Drink Average of 4 Drinks Per Week
