The Best Foods to Avoid Getting Sick

The Best Foods to Avoid Getting Sick

With the temperatures fluctuating outside, it looks like it is officially cold season! ABC News reports that adults get three colds on average per year, with each cold lasting about one to two weeks. So, what can you do to avoid getting sick?

Turns out, there are some foods you can eat that can help you fight back and boost your immunity. Look for foods rich in antioxidants, high in protein and filled with vitamins and other nutrients to help you defend yourself against colds.

Load up on the garlic! Their cloves may have an odor, but they contain a sulfuric compound that provides the body with antioxidants that can defend against colds. Just make sure you have some mints on hand! Try crushing the clove before eating them raw.

Sweet potatoes are in season, and they are loaded with beta-carotene. Our body converts this compound into vitamin A, which helps keep strong immune systems.

What are some other powerful cold busters? Watch the video above to find out two more immune system boosters, including a popular berry that packs an antioxidant punch and a beloved nutty snack that is chock full of protein. It is important to eat well in order to ward off sickness, so fight back and fuel your body with these nutritious foods.

Check out the video above to discover the best foods to avoid getting sick. Then, check out the slideshow below to discover foods to ease cold symptoms.

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